The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1175 I Found You, My Lady (15)


The woman's red lips were slightly curved, and she looked at it with a smile on her face. Her eyes were warm, like the breeze blowing across the calm water, causing gentle ripples.

She raised her hand and touched the black cat's head,

The gentle and pleasant tone contains a bit of smile and pity, like the bright moonlight in the dark night, beautiful like silver flowers,

"are you OK?"

She spoke softly and began to read her lines.

"are you hungry?"

Her eyes fell on it, and her reflected eyes were full of its appearance.

The beauty who is gentle to the extreme, even breathing, is exciting.

The black cat stared at her fixedly, its dark green pupils flickered for a moment.

The tail that was flicking casually also stopped.

Su Jinsheng was about to continue speaking,

next second,

The quiet black cat on the stage suddenly "meowed" and rushed up.

Cats are extremely agile and can be very fast.

Su Jinsheng was caught off guard and was rushed by it.

It lay on her face, all the sharp nails were put away, leaving only the soft pads.

The little tongue stuck out and licked her lips frantically, with a bit of mad obsession.

"... Mo Mo!"

Su Jinsheng is not used to being kissed, even if the other person is just a cat.

She frowned slightly, turned her face sideways, trying to pull it off.


As soon as she touched its belly, the black cat immediately let out a shrill cry.

The tail was wrapped around her hand, and the dark green cat pupils were faint and a bit weird.

Su Jinsheng was frightened by its cry, and stopped his hand suddenly, not daring to use any force.

No, that gives it more leeway.

It licked her lips like licking milk.

I can't get rid of it.

This picture is kind of weird and scary,

Especially, the other party is still a black cat.

The makeup artist who was watching was also frightened, and walked over,

"Sister Su, how about I take it away?"

"In case it accidentally hurts your face..."

"..." Su Jinsheng's forehead popped out.

She wanted to get it off,

It's just that when she moved, it screamed miserably.

"Momo, don't make trouble, okay?"

She rubbed its back helplessly.

Probably because she likes it, she is a little more patient with it than others,


She always felt that it was a little too clingy.

She didn't know if other people's cats were also clinging to their owners.

The makeup artist couldn't stand it any longer, said,

"Sister Su, this kind of new pet should not be spoiled too much, otherwise, it will have a spoiled temper in the future."

"If you don't follow its wishes, it may still scratch you."

Su Jinsheng was taken aback, and was about to say something.

next second,

The black cat narrowed its dark green vertical eyes slightly, stared at the makeup artist, and bared its small fangs.

It jumped back into Su Jinsheng's embrace, and its jet-black tail continued to wrap around her wrist without letting it go for a moment.

It's just that Youyou's cat pupils seem to be looking at a dead person, with a strong attacking intention, and they are frighteningly cold.

The make-up artist who also has a cat at home immediately took a step back alertly,

"...Su...Sister Su, have you cat... cut your nails yet?"

Su Jinsheng knew what she meant, immediately hugged the cat tightly, shook his head,

"No, I wanted to send it for care today, but it didn't want to."

"Momo, don't attack people."

She held on to its little pads to keep it from showing its nails.

do not know why,

She's always had won't hurt her feeling.

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