The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1176 I Found You, My Lady (16)


Although his personality seems to be a bit willful, but when he was with her, his nails seemed to be put away.

The black cat stared at the make-up artist for a while, until she felt hairy, and then looked away.

It continued to nest in her arms, holding her hand, rubbing it, and licking it again.

Probably... Treating her like a toy again.

Su Jinsheng heaved a sigh of relief after seeing it stabilized, and let it go.

Continue to read the script while doing makeup.

The makeup artist sneaked a few glances at the black cat from time to time, and consciously avoided it.

I'm afraid that if it comes with one claw, there will be a few more scratches on its body.


The black cat ignored her again.

Lazily nestling in Su Jinsheng's arms, rolling around like a baby.



Twenty minutes later.

"Knock knock—"

There was a knock on the door, and the scene director poked his head in,

"Ms. Su, the filming is about to start, you...won't you pack it up?"

Su Jinsheng looked over, "Okay, I'll come right over."

She just finished putting on full makeup.

Some wayward cat just licked up her fresh lipstick and made her reapply it.

And a certain culprit continued to be good like a normal cat.

Su Jinsheng flicked its head as punishment.

After the director came to inform,

Coincidentally, Xiaofang also came back with a big bag of things for cats.

Su Jinsheng was about to hand over the cat to her.

In no mood,

A certain pampered cat blew up again.

Jump on her shoulder, meow meow meow.

Just keep Xiaofang away.

As soon as it approached, the strange and dark cat immediately let out a shrill scream.

It was miserable and fierce like being beaten.

Xiaofang was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

Su Jinsheng said whatever he wanted, but it just refused to stay.

You must follow her, no one else can touch her.

If it touches it forcefully, the nails it had deliberately kept would immediately swing up, full of aggression.

Su Jinsheng was afraid that it would hurt someone, so in the end he had no choice but to bring it to the shooting site.

Fortunately, it is not too unreasonable,

It probably knew that she still had a job, so it sat obediently on the ground beside her, stared at her, and didn't bark again.

When Su Jinsheng was filming, he looked at it from time to time,

Seeing that it didn't run around, I reluctantly let go of my heart.

The black cat stared quietly at the leading actor opposite her, grinding its sharp claws on the ground, as if gnashing its teeth.

The filming has been going on without any NG.

When Yuejin and the male protagonist first met,

The black cat's eyes became a little gloomy.

When Yuejin was smiling at the hero and caring about him,

The black cat's extremely sharp nails made three long scratches on the ground.

When Yuejin gently handed over the handkerchief and returned the umbrella to him,

black cat...

Succeeded in jealousy.

It stared quietly at Su Jinsheng's figure, its dark green vertical eyes narrowed slowly, with a bit of anger.

Even if they knew they were acting, the two of them didn't have any intimate movements at all.

It also... can't control the extreme jealousy and desire in its heart at all.


She could only smile at him and be gentle with him.

The motionless black cat had sinister eyes, like a poisoned snake, exuding a strange and frightening aura from all over its body.

There are many staff members on the set, but most of them didn't notice the cat in the corner.


Xiaofang saw it.

She was holding a feeding bottle in her hand, and was about to feed it as entrusted by Su Jinsheng.

I didn't want to, I was frightened directly, and I didn't dare to go over.

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