The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1188 I Found You, My Lady (28)


When he saw Su Jinsheng walking in, his eyes lit up, he immediately sat up straight, stood up,

"You're here~ Meow?"

"..." Su Jinsheng was taken aback.

The boy realized something, and immediately covered his mouth, his cheeks turned red,

"Sit down... meow~"

He stared at her with beautiful green eyes, trying to suppress his desire to hug her, with a soft voice,

" name is Su Mo...meow~"

"..." Su Jinsheng tilted his head slightly, a little dazed, you like being cute so much?

She coughed lightly, held back her smile, and said, "Hello, President Su."

Su Mo stared at her without blinking,

Hearing her polite and alienated words, he shrunk his nose, walked to her side, squatted down,

"You can call me Mo Mo... Meow~"

He liked the name she had given him.

He looked up at her, his eyes eager and serious.

Su Jinsheng was stunned, looked at the distance between the two, and subconsciously took a step back,

She continued to smile politely, in a calm tone,

"President Su, you're being polite. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me."

She held out her hand politely.

Su Mo bulged his cheeks and stared at her,

The eager restlessness in his heart made him want to jump on her and roll in her arms.

She is like catnip, she has an extremely fatal attraction to him.

Can't leave for half a moment.

A certain cat boy was a little unhappy.

He grabbed her hand, held it tightly, and wanted to clasp his fingers restlessly.

Su Jinsheng was taken aback by his eagerness, and stood up all of a sudden,

"President Su, please respect yourself."

She frowned and quickly withdrew her hand.

Seeing that she was a little unhappy, Su Mo stood up subconsciously, wanting to hug her, just like a cat,

"A Sheng, don't be angry, A Sheng... Meow~"

He reached out, wanting to hold her.

Su Jinsheng backed away immediately, avoiding his intimacy.

Her eyebrows and eyes were slightly cold, her smile completely dissipated, and her tone was a bit vigilant,

"President Su, please respect yourself."

"I don't accept unspoken rules. If you insist on doing so, then I will break the contract."

Su Mo was stunned.

The hand that was stretched out for intimacy also stopped stiffly in mid-air, with a bit of bewilderment and bewilderment,

"Ah... Ah Sheng... Meow~"

He realized he was scaring her.

He bit his lips, resisting the agitation in his heart that wanted to hug her eagerly, staring at her with round beautiful green eyes, his tone soft,

"Yes... I'm sorry, Ah Sheng... meow~"

"I didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry, okay... Meow~"

He squatted down subconsciously, lowered his head and smoothed his eyebrows like a cat, his eyes flustered.

He imagined as before, hugging her leg, rubbing against her,

Because every time, as long as he does this, she won't be angry.

But now that he's human, he can't hold her.

The teenager's heart became extremely restless and restless.

Out of her arms, he became extremely unbearable around his surroundings.

It's like someone who has lost their home, panicked and helpless.

His beautiful round eyes looked at her carefully, with a bit of obedient flattery.

"..." Su Jinsheng pursed his lips,

How does she feel... His eyes look so much like Mo Mo?

It's almost like carving out of a mold.

There was a moment of silence,

She frowned slightly, and her tone was calmer,

"President Su, can you stand up?"

"I have received my apology. In the future... please don't act like this."

Su Mo's face turned pale.

He clenched his fist, suppressing the desire to hug it vigorously,

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