The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1189 I Found You, My Lady (29)


Her appearance was fully reflected in the beautiful eyes, and Hao did not hide his love.

"Asheng, I...I like you...meow~"

He stretched out his hand cautiously, wanting to take her hand, but he was afraid that she would get angry.

"..." Su Jinsheng paused,

She didn't expect that when she came to the company for a meeting, a big peach blossom would come out of nowhere.

She was silent for a moment, and then avoided him with a calm tone,

"President Su, sorry, I don't like you."

Her eyes are calm, full of a touch of alienation,

"If Boss Su has nothing else to say, I still have a shoot in the afternoon, so I'll go out first."

She smiled and opened the distance between the two of them without any trace.

the farther away,

The uneasiness and restlessness in Su Mo's heart will become more and more intense.

He longed for her embrace so much, and her gentle tone.

But these are the treatments he would have when he was a cat,

And once she became a human, she stopped talking to him.

Don't hug him, and don't be gentle with him.

The boy's eyes turned red with anxiety.

"Ah... Ah Sheng... Meow..."

He was like a child who couldn't find a home, flustered and at a loss,

"I want... I want to hug... Meow~"

He stretched out his hand helplessly, wanting to get closer.

Seeing that Su Jinsheng's brows and eyes were about to turn cold again,

He couldn't restrain himself anymore, turned around and ran out.

when you come back,

A big black cat jumped straight at Su Jinsheng, crawled along her hand, and crawled directly into her arms, rubbing wildly.

Just leaving her embrace for thirty minutes, the drug-addicted cat trembled and almost pressed against her neck to relieve it.

It meowed, its tail wrapped around her neck, and it licked her face. The dark green cat eyes were full of water, as if it was about to cry.

Su Jinsheng hugged it subconsciously, and let out a hush, his tone softened instantly,

"Mo Mo, how did you come up here?"

Just now, didn't she put it in the bag downstairs?


The black cat kept licking her cheek, eager and obsessed.

The whole limp body was close to her, almost melting into her body.

Su Jinsheng was already used to it licking its face every day, touched its head, and didn't say anything.

The cat's small pads hugged her softly, put away the sharp nails, and stuck tightly.

There was a soft meow, faintly filled with grievance and discomfort.

Su Jinsheng thought it was anxious to wait, so he rubbed its little head, coaxing it subconsciously,

"Momo is good, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

"My sister is here, I don't want you."

The black cat meowed softly, its round pupils were filled with tears, and it felt extremely wronged.

The tail is wrapped around her and won't let go.

While coaxing it, Su Jinsheng waited in the office,

Seeing that Su Mo didn't come back, he told his assistant a few words before leaving.

this day,

The black cat clings to her and becomes more active.

I follow her almost all the time, and I can't get rid of her at all.

Even if Su Jinsheng just went to the toilet, he had to go back quickly.

Otherwise, a particularly headstrong cat will meow horribly and make a fuss.

As if going crazy, the aggressiveness became extremely strong.

no way,

No one can hold it down, only when she holds it will it be quiet,




Hmm...the votes are getting less and less, so is your love disappearing? [sighs chin]

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