The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1190 Found You, My Lady (30)


But even when quiet it is restless,

Always staring at her without blinking, sticking hard,

Either I want to rub her, or I want to lick her,

Although she is still very good, she won't hurt anyone anymore.

But Su Jinsheng always felt... the intimacy it showed her was a bit beyond the affection a normal cat would have for its owner.

But... she couldn't bear to push it,

Every time the kitten hugged her pitifully and meowed softly,

As if begging her.

Su Jinsheng looked at it, but he couldn't say it, he couldn't bear to hit him,

at last,

She had no choice but to back off the bottom line again and again, silently enduring it.


Everyone knows that Su Jinsheng has a very clingy cat by his side.

At first, they will look curiously,

Later, after finding out that the cat had a bad temper, he also avoided it.

When Su Jinsheng was working, the cat would always follow her,

When he was resting, he would throw himself into her arms and couldn't leave her for a moment.

several times,

Su Jinsheng felt helpless and had a headache for it,

She was doubting herself for a while, why did she suddenly rise up in the first place and support it.

This is not keeping a pet, this is clearly...

Raised a little ancestor.



The round green-eyed cat obediently arched her palm, stuck out its small tongue and licked it,

Lying in her arms, its pointed ears moved unconsciously, as if it was in a very happy and comfortable mood.

From time to time, the soft tail brushed against Su Jinsheng's wrist, causing itching.

Su Jinsheng just got off the show and is taking off her makeup.

She glanced at the black cat, sighed, and rubbed its head helplessly, with a hint of tenderness hidden in her eyes.

The makeup artist is also basically used to the cat in her arms,

She took a look at the cat, and while removing her make-up neatly, she spoke with a smile,

"Sister Su, I feel that you have changed a lot."

Su Jinsheng raised his eyes, "Huh?"

"I can't say it, I just feel that you are...more gentle than before."

Although I had a good temper before,

But when dealing with people, there is always a sense of alienation that strangers should not get close to.

Now I have a cat, it seems...

Temper for the better.

The smile on his face became more and more gentle.

The changes are really visible to the naked eye.

"..." Su Jinsheng raised his eyebrows slightly,

"More gentle?"

She rubbed the cat's hand and paused.

next second,

The cat, which was being rubbed comfortably by her, was a little unhappy. It meowed in dissatisfaction, and hugged her wrist, wanting her to continue rubbing.

Su Jinsheng lowered his eyes slightly.

Looking at the well-behaved black cat, she pursed her lips, then chuckled suddenly, and continued to rub its belly gently,

With a calm tone and a somewhat helpless smile,

"No way, I raised a little ancestor."

If it had a bad temper, wouldn't it be homeless?


The black cat seemed to realize something, opened its round cat pupils, tilted its head, and looked at her, looking obedient and harmless.

The tail that was sweeping back and forth was wrapped tightly around her again, completely clinging to her.

Obviously, it's extremely human.

The make-up artist is a little envious.

"Sister Su, in fact, your cat is also quite good."

"Our cat has a very fierce temper, and he doesn't usually let people touch it. I have raised it for so long, and it only gets petted once in a while when it is in a good mood."

"Like your cat, the owner pets and rubs it casually, and has a very good temper."

Su Jinsheng slightly raised his eyebrows and laughed,

"It has a good temper?"

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