The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1194 I Found You, My Lady (34) (Gageng)


"Then... did I say it seriously this time?"

Su Jinsheng pinched its little ears, his tone became more and more gentle,

"Momo is very good, I like Momo very much."

"Although...a bit willful, I still like you very much."

She looked at its dark green cat eyes seriously, and said word by word.

The pitch-black cat froze for a moment.

Its eyes trembled, and its originally extremely sour heart suddenly seemed to be soaked in a honeypot, and it was caught off guard by the sweetness.

The cat meowed blankly, as if it hadn't reacted yet.

The touch on the forehead is still there,

This seems to be... the first time she kissed it.

The cat's body slowly warmed up.

Its tail was trembling, and it seemed to be agitated.


After it came to its senses, it threw itself into Su Jinsheng's arms in an instant, and began to rub her frantically.

Jumping up and down, as if beaten with chicken blood.

Su Jinsheng was a little funny.

But seeing its revitalized appearance, he didn't stop it, and pinched its little pads with a smile.

that night,

The black cat became extremely excited, even... extremely hyper.

While Su Jinsheng was asleep,

It jumped out of its own little bed, then jumped onto her bed, and got under the covers.


Just when it wanted to take human form,

Somehow, it never took form.

It's like... being imprisoned by someone.

The black cat immediately thought of Gu Li.

It bared its pointed teeth, and the hair on its body exploded, with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

nestled on Su Jinsheng's neck,

It tried hard several times,

It's just that it still can't take form.

The black cat stared at the person who was close in front of him, looking anxious.

Every night, he would change form and kiss her.

This has become his habit.

If you don't kiss him, he will be very uncomfortable.


The black cat leaned over to lick her lips.

The tail flicked restlessly, and there were faint signs of drug addiction.

The dark green cat pupils stared at her closely, as if this could relieve her a little.

"Meow~" I want to kiss.

The black cat became more and more agitated.

Thinking of the touch when Su Jinsheng kissed it before, it couldn't help wanting to be intimate.


There's only so much a cat can do,

It can only rub and lick,

For the rest, nothing can be done.

The black cat is frantically experimenting with shapeshifting.

Even if it makes the body extremely painful, it is constantly fighting against the confinement in the body.

In the dark night, the dark green vertical pupils became more and more mysterious.

When its tail inadvertently touched Su Jinsheng's heart,

There was a faint light in her heart.

In an instant, pure white light came from the tail and flowed into the black cat's body,

The black cat's originally dark green pupils instantly turned into a dull and noble purple.

The black cat's irritable body suddenly became quiet.

Pause for a few seconds,

It looked at the person in front of it calmly, tilted its head, not knowing what it was thinking.


The confinement on his body was easily broken, and the black cat transformed into a human form.

A hand with a scar slowly caressed the girl's face.




Boys, let you vote, not a reward...

Forget it, I have to add four more chapters... [Crying out with a wow]

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