The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1195 I Found You, My Lady (35)


The cat boy looked at her quietly with his delicate face, and his fingertips were gentle.

in a quiet room,

A low voice sounded, with infinite softness,


The cat boy slowly clasped the woman's hand, clasping his fingers tightly.

The dark purple eyes narrowed slightly, and a rippling light flashed across them.

He gently pinched her chin, and slowly covered her lips,

Bite gently and grind slowly, with gentle force.

In the dark purple pupils, there was a lingering smile.



For the first time, Su Jinsheng had a dream.

in the dream,

She dreamed of a big black cat, which turned into a very beautiful man, hugging her and kissing her all the time.

The man's movements are gentle, and his ears are pointed, black cat ears.

Behind him, there is a long black tail.

When kissing her, the tail will consciously wrap around her waist, tightly encircling her.

The two of them rolled onto the bed without knowing when.


In a hazy moment, the two embraced each other, in...



Su Jinsheng opened his eyes instantly.

She stood up abruptly and looked at herself.

The body is intact, the clothes are still there.

"..." The girl who had this kind of dream for the first time blushed silently.

Before it was a big cat, now it's a big cat turned into a human,

... She must be crazy to have such weird dreams all the time.


The black cat didn't know when it had nestled beside her,

It has round cat pupils, and the dark green vertical pupils are faintly mixed with purple, like yin and yang eyes, which looks a little weird.

Su Jinsheng tried hard to fade the heat from his face, and turned to look at it.

I don't know what I thought of,

The tips of her ears were red, her eyes twinkled slightly, and she seemed a little guilty.

The picture in the dream is too real,

When she looks at the black cat now, she will unconsciously think of her dream with a man...

Su Jinsheng blushed, coughed lightly, and reached out to hug it.

She squeezed its little pad, and said,

"Morning morning."


A smile seemed to flash across the black cat's round pupils.

It nimbly jumped onto her shoulder and licked her lips straight away, with obvious intentions.

The soft tail also gently wraps around her neck, sweeping it from time to time, bringing a bit of itching.

If he had never had that erotic dream, Su Jinsheng would not have felt much about its licking.

But after having that dream that made people blush and heartbeat,

Su Jinsheng didn't know what to think of, brushed the floor, and blushed.

Pushing it away all at once, getting out of bed in a panic,

"That... that, I'll go wash up, Mo... Mo Mo, be good, don't run around."

She almost ran into the bathroom in a panic.

Behind her, the black cat stared at her quietly, with a deeper smile in its quiet and beautiful eyes.

Silly lady.



the next day,

Su Jinsheng was always avoiding the black cat's intimacy.

Hugs are okay,

But once it found that it had the intention to lick her face,

She would hold it down nervously, not letting it jump up no matter what.


The black cat has long been spoiled by her.

As long as she pressed it firmly, it would scream shrilly.

The hoarse and strange cry was particularly frightening.

at last,

It was Su Jinsheng who compromised.

She blushed and stiffened, being licked by the cat.

Because of the influence of that spring dream,

She always feels that everything is wrong now.


When being stared at by the black cat, she always felt like she was being stared at by a man.

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