The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 811 Can't Do Without Me (50)


When looking at it quietly, it looks like a small animal, soft and harmless, clean and pure.

"..." Fu Sheng froze for a moment.

For a long time,

Her lips moved slightly, and she seemed a little speechless.

Jun Lin slightly bent his lips, hugged her horizontally, and walked into the bedroom.

after awhile,

The girl's soft cry sounded, with some final struggles,

"You you you - I have to go to work today"

"Good lady, it will be soon."

The man gently covered her ear and said softly.

Fu Sheng: "..."

Labor and management have trusted your ***** people to concentrate on it. "

The man held her waist and gradually moved up.

A light breath came, gentle and calm, as if he was doing a very formal event.

Fu Sheng blushed, pursed her lips, and turned her face to one side.


In the bedroom, it was beautiful.



【Little Wuzi, I'm so bored...】

Tuanzi lay on the ground, rascal in every possible way.

The mirror in front of me was pitch black and motionless,

The value of the degree of recognition also directly collapsed to one hundred, and it was directly filled.


The adults are still here.

It was forced to cut off contact with Mrs., a group alone, extremely boring.

The white mist that spread out slowly floated in, covering it, silently.

Tuanzi looked at it limply, and silently hugged his little pink robot tuan tightly, with a baby voice,

【Wuzi, do you feel bored if you stay here all the time? 】


【……Won't? 】

Tuanzi was surprised.

【Nothing is fun here...】

[It's not as fun as the world. 】

The mist fell silent, poked it,

Smoothly, he calmly tried to pluck the machine cluster from its arms.

【……What are you doing? 】

Tuanzi hugged his robot group vigilantly, and warned him in a childish voice,

【Let me tell you, Madam bought it for me. If you steal it, I will sue Madam. 】

【Hmph~ Madam will definitely be on my side when the time comes. 】

The white and soft balls floated uncomfortably, like a child who got a big red flower in kindergarten, triumphant.

"..." The steaming mist slowly dissipated, and there was silence.

next second,

He gathered into a human shape, his snow-white cloud shirt fluttered lightly, and landed gently.

The slender fingers moved slightly, the clouds and mist around him dissipated, and his figure was like a willow.

Tuanzi was stunned, dumbfounded,

【you you you……】

【Are you showing off to me again? 】

If it also chooses the male Tuantuan, maybe,

In the future it will look better than him.


Tuanzi snorted, turned around, with his back to him, out of sight and out of mind.

[Showing off is useless! 】

[When the group transforms into form, I will beat you. 】

It clenched its fists and spoke righteously.


There was silence behind.

Tuanzi paused, subconsciously looking back.


when it is not paying attention,

The machine group in his arms was instantly sucked away by the eye-catching mist, and was thrown into the distance.

Tuanzi:! ! !

it's about to get angry,

In the next second, something cool was stuffed into his arms.

Tuanzi: ...? ?

"This, for you."

Liu Shang's clear figure spread out and turned into a cloud again, with a soft voice.

In the soft words, there is a bit of vague emotion.

Tuanzi: [...? 】

it looked down,

In my arms is a piece of emerald jade,

It is engraved with patterns of rising mist, glowing with a faint aura of light, clear and extremely beautiful,

Touching its white and soft body, the jade shone slightly, and its aura was even stronger.

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