The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 812 Can't Do Without Me (51)


Gentle power came faintly and flowed into its body, feeling inexplicably comfortable.

Tuanzi froze,


Bai Wu whispered, "Apologize, I will give it to you."

[...Give it to me? 】

Tuanzi was a little flattered.

Although I don't know the origin of this stone, but it looks very precious and powerful,

It scratched its head, and suddenly forgot about the machine group that was thrown away, feeling a little embarrassed,

[ this very expensive? 】

[ about you take it back? 】

It's too expensive and I'm embarrassed to accept it.

Teng Teng mist was quiet for a moment, and said in a low voice,

"It's not expensive, just pick it up."

Tuanzi was taken aback for a moment, 【... Picked up... Picked it up? 】

It looked down subconsciously.

……its not right,

Looking left and right, it looks very powerful.

And it's so comfortable to hold it...

Tuanzi was suspicious for a moment, thought for a while, and then put his doubts aside,

It hugged the little green stone cheerfully, and said with a milky voice,

[Since I picked it up, I'm not welcome! 】

[You still have a bit of conscience, you know how to send things to make amends. 】

Tuanzi groaned.

It rolled its eyes, and continued to make milky voices,

[This is just a small gift, it doesn't count if you pick it up, next time you have to give a big one! 】

"..." Bai Wu laughed lowly, without speaking, and slowly dispersed.

In the white and soft Xiaotuanzi's arms, the green and clear jade shimmered, like clear water, clear and beautiful,

The dumpling hugged her whole milky, humming comfortably,

I completely lost myself and forgot.




The mirror with a black screen suddenly turned on as if it had received some command.

in the screen,

The tidy living room was quiet and spotless.

On the soft sofa, an indifferent and beautiful man sat calmly, his noble and elegant purple eyes were unwavering, as cold as an ice sculpture,

The narrow and cold phoenix eyes looked over lightly, obviously did not speak, but invisibly, there was a strong oppression.

The dumpling was startled, and immediately floated up,

[Big... my lord. 】

Junlin tapped with his long finger, his lips were bright red,

At the neckline of the meticulous shirt, there are a few faint red marks hidden in the Adam's apple, which is inexplicable.

His eyes were calm, indifferent, and he slowly opened his lips,

"In these planes, she was injured."


For a moment, Tuanzi thought of a certain plane from before,

The lady was badly injured, and the shard nearly destroyed the world.

It hugged the little green stone silently, not daring to make a sound, trembling.

【My... my lord, I persuaded Madam, but Madam insisted on this...】

It is also helpless...

The group whispered.

Jun Lin lowered his eyes slowly, his beautiful and calm face showed no emotion,

The long fingers tapped slowly, seeming a little displeased.


The group is even more timid.

Its little head turned around quickly, and when it thought of something, it immediately said,

[My lord, these planes are a bit strange. 】

[There is a dark lump that always follows Madam, and it wants to catch Madam! 】

Tuanzi made a small report very seriously.

[Also, there is also an inexplicable person in this plane who has been chasing Madam. 】

[Madam is in a bad mood because of him, and she dare not refuse him. 】

"..." Jun Lin's long eyelashes trembled, his face was still calm, but his dark purple eyes were slightly narrowed, and his emotions were unclear.

The long fingers clasped unhurriedly, and the breath was cold.

Tuanzi was talking, and at the end, his voice gradually weakened.

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