The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 813 Can't Do Without Me (52)


Inexplicably, since the man didn't express anything, it just didn't dare to continue talking.

Tuanzi thought for a while, then shut up silently.


Madam is not here, it is better to say less.

Otherwise, if there are too many mistakes, it will be miserable when adults get angry.

Tuanzi's brains turned very fast at the critical moment.

Just when it was uneasy,

The indifferent and beautiful man raised his eyes slightly, the dark purple pupils were calm and cold,

With a pale face, he said calmly,

"These planes, you have done a good job, thank you for your hard work."

His tone was flat, without any emotion, it seemed that he just mentioned it in passing,

But Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, and surprises rushed to his face.

[... Big... Your Excellency? 】

it actually,

Being praised?

Dumplings: Σ\u003e―(〃°ω°〃)→

It's going to float.

Jun Lin nodded slightly, his purple eyes looked at it lightly, his voice was calm,

"This plane, you can rest."

"I'll be with her."

Dumplings: (ω)

It floats so well.

It is praised by adults.

The bubbling dumpling was so beautiful that it almost jumped up.

[My lord, you are busy, I can do whatever I want! 】

It said flatteredly.

The beautiful little green stone in his arms seemed to be able to feel something, and then it shone faintly, clear and moist.

Jun Lin's eyes lightly fell on the jade.

His eyes paused slightly, he raised his eyebrows, and calmly looked at the white mist lingering behind Tuanzi.

Bai Wu instantly transformed into a human form, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to him,

"Good luck my lord."

Jun Lin let out a calm "hmm", and his eyes fell on the green stone lightly again,

If he remembers correctly,

That is—the original power of Liushang.

From this he was born, from this.


In the hands of the dumpling.

Jun Lin's eyes were calm and his eyes were cold.

Liu Shang looked at the little green stone in Tuanzi's arms, and subconsciously blocked it, as if a little nervous,

"……grown ups."

Tuanzi: ...?

It looked at the two in confusion,

Seeing that the eyes of both of them fell on the thing in its arms, Tuanzi was stunned, na na,

[What... what's wrong? 】

It won't touch something it shouldn't?

Duanzi was alert, and immediately stuffed it back into Liushang's arms super cowardly, and quickly explained,

【My lord, Liu Shang gave this to me. I don't know anything, and I haven't done anything. 】

Liu Shang: "..."

Jun Lin raised the tails of his eyes slightly, and calmly glanced at Liu Shang, which seemed to be meaningful.

Liu Shang was silent, touched his nose, a little embarrassed.


Jun Lin didn't say anything, just gave a faint "hmm", and then turned off the mirror.

The mirror went black for a moment.

chaos place,

A mist and a ball looked at each other and fell into a moment of silence.

Tuanzi was quiet for a while, and was the first to make a weak sound.

[Wuzi, is this really precious? 】

It feels a bit wrong with the eyes of adults.

Liu Shang glanced at it and snorted coldly,

"You don't want it if it's precious?"

Just throw it away,

Does it know this thing—

After a while, he seemed a little annoyed.

Yes, it does not know.

There was a moment of silence,

Liushang stuffed the green stone into its arms awkwardly, and then disappeared, leaving only a cool sentence,

"If you lose it again, I'll—"

"I'll eat you."

Duanzi: (ΩДΩ)!

It immediately hugged nervously, looking super cowardly.

【 can't eat】

[I'm a group that has been praised by adults! 】

[I... I'm still Madam's good friend! 】

Tuanzi flaunted his might in a childish voice.

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