The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 816 Can't Do Without Me (55)


"Good lady, when have I lied to you?"

The man's phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, calm and indifferent.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and still wanted to look back,

In the end, she still couldn't worry about that person.


Jun Lin saw what she was thinking, and suddenly held her face in his hands, leaned over and kissed her.

Between the soft lips and teeth touching, the breath is gentle and bitter.

His strength was not strong, his big palms covered her cheeks, his dark eyes were like the purest glow on the edge of the polar region, touching people's hearts,

When he looked at her tenderly, his eyes were clear, clean and beautiful.

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

"Good lady, let's go home."

The man said in a low voice.

next second,

The figure of the two embracing disappeared,

No more trace.

The dense fog that was heavily suppressed was also bound by the powerful spiritual power in the air in an instant, pushing back the seal.

The thick fog kept struggling, and the tearing roar resounded through the sky,

"Ah—she's mine—"

"She's supposed to be my—"

The dense fog frantically attacked the seal, trying to break through the shackles and kill everything.


The seal was strengthened again by King's Landing,

Layers of solid barriers remained motionless under its impact, as hard as a rock.


He was full of hatred, his eyes were blood red, and he was addicted to people's hearts.

The distorted face is like a ghost, with black air lingering and extremely gloomy.

"Don't blame me if you are unkind, it's unrighteous."

The dense fog sneered heavily, with a sinister aura.



[Smelly mist, tell me, what exactly is that dark thing? 】

The dumpling was resting on a small green stone, and asked softly.

It thought for a long time, and also searched a lot of ancient books in private,


No such person?

"..." The white mist was floating, without saying a word.

When Tuanzi was free, he was so bored that he kept thinking about this matter.

It's just that no one has mentioned it, and it can't find a clue.

[...Smelly fog? 】

Tuanzi rested his chin, looking forward to it.

【Just tell me a little bit~】

【Who are we with whom~】

【Big deal... I won't be angry with you in the future~】

Tuanzi behaved in a childlike voice.

"..." Bai Wu remained silent, still silent.

You can talk to it about other things,

But only this thing...

can not say.

This is your lord's private matter,

Discussing in private is absolutely disrespectful.

Even if you lend him a hundred guts, you can't say anything.

The white mist dissipated, but still did not let go.

Tuanzi: […]

It sighed in frustration, helpless.

It feels like everyone knows it, but it is kept in the dark.

If I had known earlier, I would have been born earlier.



【Flowing up~】

【You are the best, Wuwu~】

Tuanzi persevered.

Hold the small green stone and follow him.

Wherever the lingering mist drifts away, the soft white dumpling will follow, so persistent.

Liu Shang: "..."

[Big deal, you just tell me what that black thing is, and I promise not to ask anything else! 】

The group looked sincere.

"..." Bai Wu was silent.

【One more condition! 】

[From now on, you can ask me to do anything! 】

The dumpling is really itchy with curiosity, looking forward to it.

"..." Bai Wu paused for a while, as if thinking,

"What can I ask you to do?"

Tuanzi nodded wildly, [Hmm! 】

"..." Bai Wu fell into deep thought for a while.

For a long time,

The misty and illusory mist slowly melted into a wisp of light, and he nodded his head, which was considered a compromise.

"Don't go back on your word."

【Uh-huh! Speak! Speak! 】

The group couldn't wait.

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