The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 817 Can't Do Without Me (56)


Bai Wu was silent for a while, then spoke slowly, with a low voice.

"He... is the one who was sealed."

"His name is Suli."

It was...his best brother ever.

Tuanzi: ...(⊙o⊙)! ! !

【Is he the one who fought with the adults? ! 】

Still want to kill adults? !


Tuanzi was shocked.

It opened its mouth, wanting to ask something,

The white mist dissipated all of a sudden, leaving only a faint sentence,

"The questions are answered, that's all."

Tuanzi: [...! 】

It's even more curious!


Did that person fight with adults because of his wife?


Doesn't Madam like adults?

So what is the meaning of his struggle?

Tuanzi couldn't figure it out.


Judging by Madam's appearance, she seems to be a little different to him.

It seemed... difficult to refuse him.

The little head of the dumpling was completely stuck and couldn't turn around.

……never mind,

It's time to ask Mrs.

Madame must know better.

Tuanzi hugged the little green stone and hummed.



#Bit Plane#


late at night,

In the huge city, there is prosperity.

The ruins in the daytime disappeared like a dream, leaving no trace.

The neon lights are flashing, the tall buildings are everywhere,

The noisy city precipitates the intoxicating night, which is dazzling and fascinating.

senior apartment,

On the spacious and bright balcony, one tall and one short figure lean on each other, quiet and warm.

The two of them clasped their fingers together, and neither of them said anything in tacit understanding. They just watched the night outside the window quietly, silent.

For a long time,

Fu Sheng lowered her eyes slightly, pursed her lips, and whispered softly,

"In vain...will he be sealed all the time?"

Jun Lin's face was calm, his warm eyes looked at her, the corners of his lips moved slightly,

"Ma'am, are you worried about him?"

His tone was flat, and he didn't seem to have any strange emotions.

But Fu Sheng froze for a moment, opened his mouth, and was speechless.

Jun Lin looked at her quietly, his icy purple eyes were calm and unwavering,

It was as if, on the sea before the storm, the dark tide was surging.

"..." Fusheng was stunned, and immediately hugged him vigilantly, comforting him softly,

"Don't think about it in vain, I like you so much, you know..."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry... I'm just asking casually."

Like coaxing a child, she kissed him and hugged him softly, extremely serious.

she forgot

A certain person is a jealous jar, easy to turn over.

Jun Lin lowered his eyes slowly, his quiet eyes were light, and he seemed to be a little emotionally unclear.

After a while,

He gently held her wrist and whispered,

"Ma'am, it's mine."

Nope, his.

The man looked at her calmly with his beautiful and clear purple eyes, and said word by word,

Obviously there is no emotion, but inexplicably, it makes people feel a little wronged.

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

"Ma'am, I met you first."

The man whispered and pursed his lips.

Her beautiful eyes dimmed slightly, as if a little aggrieved and helpless.


She is his destined wife.

Since sensing her birth,

He knew naturally that she would be his.

Therefore, he has been working hard to protect her and grow up with her.

All things have spirits, yin and yang intermingle and live together.

He is no exception.

However, his wife was a little late.

But he is also taking care of her seriously...


He just left in a hurry for some time, and when he came back,

His wife has already turned into a human form ignorantly,

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