The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 818 Can't Do Without Me (57)


And the first person I saw was not him.

Jun Lin's purple eyes were dark, and he slightly clenched her wrist, seeming a little restless.

The bright red lips were tense, and she said softly,

"Ma'am, it's mine."

Nope, his.

"No, leave me."

He said in a low voice.

"..." Fusheng blinked and paused.

The man in front of him seemed to have never shown such a flustered look.

He has always been very calm and ruthless.

Even when they fought at the beginning, they just had a cold face and didn't say a word.

She thought...

His feelings for her are not very deep.

Fu Sheng pursed his lips and sighed softly.

she knows,

In the end, he still cared about who came first.


no matter who comes first,

She will love him...

Fu Sheng sighed softly, bent his eyes slightly, hugged him, patted him, with a gentle tone,

"Stupid, who do I like, can't you tell?"

"I won't leave you, we will always be together."

"..." Jun Lin wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.

He lowered his head and buried it in the crescent of her neck, silent as hell.

For a long time,

He said in a low voice,

"Even if you don't want me, you can't run away."

ends of the earth,

As long as he wants to, she can't get rid of him no matter what.

The man was like a child, angry, holding her tightly, not letting go for a moment.

Fu Sheng: "..."

She smiled, gave a soft "hmm", and lowered her head to kiss him.

Although I don't know why he suddenly got into the horns,

But in the end, it still needs to be coaxed.


He is also very insecure, right?

Fu Sheng touched his face and sighed secretly.

The two began to embrace each other quietly.



The night is getting dark,

The hustle and bustle of the city gradually quieted down.

The dazzling neon lights are still flickering tirelessly, the lights are feasting and the traffic is busy.

by the balcony,

Fusheng was quiet for a while, then yawned leisurely, feeling tired gradually.

In this plane, after all, she is still an ordinary person,

When the time comes, you will naturally be sleepy.

King's Landing itself is a god, attached to the robot, it will not get tired.

He sensed that she was sleepy, so he kissed her, touching his forehead, "Ma'am, shall we go to bed?"

"...Don't mess around tonight."

Fu Sheng pinched his face, puffing his cheeks.

After tossing and tossing for a long time today, she felt that half of her life was about to die.

come again tonight,

I'm afraid I'm not going to die on the bed.

Fu Sheng pushed him away with a serious face.

Jun Lin paused, and looked at her calmly, his eyes were clear.

Fu Sheng immediately became alert, turned around and ran away.

She is terrified of his appearance now,

Every time it looks cold and emotionless,


Once on the bed, it was like a different person, hot and crazy.

She couldn't stand it at all.


It is better to run.


The man stared at her closely with deep eyes.

He got up slowly and followed unhurriedly until he saw the girl enter the bathroom.

The man's face remained unchanged, his eyes slightly lowered, and he looked at his body.

There seems to be some dissatisfaction.


Means, some places can not touch the water.

He was silent for a moment, thinking quietly.

For a long time,

He slowly raised his hand and began to undress his clothes.

After everything fades,

The man slowly held the handle of the bathroom door, and finally opened the door and walked in.


There was an exclamation from within,

"Don't make trouble, Dabai! You can't touch the water!"

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