The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 819 Can't Do Without Me (58)



The man's voice was low and serious.

It's just a body, just protect it with magic power.

He didn't want to, just waited outside.

Fu Sheng: "..."

"Just wash it, don't touch it."

She grabbed his hand helplessly, angry and ashamed.

"Ma'am, I can help you."

Jun Lin smiled slowly, with a beautiful and elegant appearance, for a moment, he looked very much like Su Bai.

Fu Sheng dazzled slightly and was stunned.

next second,

The naked man hugged her, and his lips slowly covered her.

Fu Sheng: "..."

she knew

It's all an excuse.




half year later.

The northern hemisphere has entered a cold winter.

There are few pedestrians on the street, most of them are robots who come out to buy,

They were wearing thin clothes, carrying things, and walked with their heads down as much as possible, quietly.

On the spacious road, smart cars pass by at high speed without stopping.

The large screen in the middle of the shopping street scrolled and played corporate advertisements, which were mechanical and stiff.

"Financial News Report—"

"After Liang Fuyan, the first heir of the Liang Group, passed away in a car accident, Liang Yan began to take over the family business. His methods were mild and smooth, and he eased the severe damage that Liang had suffered a while ago with a smooth public relations management."

"Recently, Liang Yan led the Liang Corporation to acquire the third largest company in the financial investment bank. The annual summary report also focused on financial stocks..."


In a quiet cafe,

The robot waiter smiled and ordered dessert for the two people by the window, then quietly retreated.

outside the window,

The cold wind whizzed past, causing a faint mist to appear on the clean and transparent glass, making it hazy and warm.

The girl in a neat dress stretched out her hand to pick up the cup, and took a sip of the tea, with a gentle expression on her face.


Liang Yan, who had matured a lot, lowered his head, processing something on the tablet without saying a word.

after awhile,

Only then did he calmly put down the things in his hands, and looked at the woman across from him.

"So, you plan to sell the company?"


The woman nodded slightly, her voice gentle.

"The company's shares I own can be sold to you at the market price. Of course, if your funds are limited, the price can be lower."

Liang Yan was silent, looking at her, as if he didn't understand.

"Are you short of money now?"

"Why are you selling the company all of a sudden?"

The woman froze for a moment, then shook her head, smiled,

"Not for this reason."

"It's just that managing the company is too tiring, and I don't really care about it."

"After the company is sold, I plan to travel for a while and relax."

Liang Yan looked at her, his eyes fell on the faint red mark on her neck, he hesitated to speak,

For a long time,

He turned and said,

"How are you doing recently?"

The woman smiled unchanged, nodded,

outside the window,

When her eyes touched the slender figure that appeared in the distance, her eyes lit up, her brows and eyes softened visibly,

Liang Yan looked along the line of sight,

far away,

A man in a black windbreaker walked slowly, with steady steps.

Through the hazy window, one can vaguely feel the indifferent aura on the man,

Walking slowly with dignified and elegant steps, calm and oppressive,

In the haze, like a noble god, it makes people surrender and is hard to resist.

Liang Yan slightly rolled his eyes, and his heart trembled.


The pleasant wind chimes in front of the coffee shop rang, crisp and melodious.

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