The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 829 Don't move, I'll eat you! (9)


Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then turned around,


The quiet soft rabbit looked at her quietly, with clear and beautiful red eyes.

The blood stains on the lower abdomen were stained with fur, and they were already hard, and the wound looked scary, but walking was no longer a problem.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, puzzled,

"What's wrong?"

Fearing that he would leave, Fusheng subconsciously stopped him, and blurted out,

"Just sleep for one night, okay? I won't stop you if you leave tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell,

The quiet rabbit suddenly jumped and jumped into her arms.

Shrunk silently, motionless.

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

Is he... wanting to hug?

Fu Sheng opened his mouth, but was speechless.

After hesitating for a few seconds,

She reached out tentatively and hugged.

The rabbit was silent, moved its long ears, and closed its eyes.

Under the soft white fur, half of the ear has been quietly red.


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【Total approval: 26%】

"..." It's really cute.

Fu Sheng's eyes softened.

She hugged him and warmed him earnestly.

The rabbit closed its eyes, its long ears trembled slightly, silent,

There was no resistance, which was regarded as acquiescing to her actions.

Fu Sheng bent his lips and didn't make another sound.

One person and one rabbit sat quietly at the entrance of the cave, feeling inexplicably warm.



Early the next morning.

The sun slowly rises from the sky, glowing brilliantly.

The warm golden sun dispelled the last chill of the night,

On the endless plain, overgrown with withered grass,

Occasionally, birds pass by, but they only stop for a while, and then fly away.

In the nearby bushes,

Several thick and big snakes spitting snake letters, lurking quietly,

They stared at the stone cave not far away, wanting to get closer, but they seemed to be afraid of something.

cave door,

The sun shone warmly on the woman in the black dress, and the warm light reflected her snow-white skin, and the slender blood vessels on her cheeks were clearly visible.

She put her hands on the side of the rabbit in her arms, her eyes were quietly closed, and her lips were pale pink.

Breathing evenly, the lower abdomen rises and falls, and sleeps soundly.

The white rabbit in her arms, huddled in her arms, woke up at some point, staring at her quietly, its long ears moving slightly.

The little pink meat pad gently touched her hand, soft and tentative.

at last,

He put his little head in her palm and rubbed it, with a bit of inexplicable cuteness.

The beautiful red eyes watched quietly, clean and soft.


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【Total approval: 30%】


Fusheng moved her eyes slightly, raised her hand, and rubbed it.

It seemed to sense that she was waking up,

The rabbit subconsciously closed its eyes, and its body was slightly stiff, not moving.

With some inexplicable guilt and panic.

Fu Sheng opened his eyes sleepily, and looked at the rabbit in his arms.

Seeing that he was still asleep with his eyes closed, he patted his head lightly and said nothing.

She looked around,

It was already full light and the temperature was rising.

it looks like

Except for those few snakes, there is no major threat around here.

Fu Sheng thought about it and decided to wait a little longer.

When her baby wakes up, ask him if he wants to go with her.

It would be best if we could go together.

If they can't go together...then she will follow behind and secretly protect him.

【Madam, those snakes are still looking at you. 】


Fu Sheng gently picked up the rabbit, looked at the cave behind him, and then left.

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