The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 830 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (10)


She occupied it all night, so she should return it.

I walked with the rabbit for a while,

Fu Sheng looked back quietly,

Those snakes really burrowed back quickly,

Homecoming is like an arrow.

Fu Sheng silently apologized from the bottom of her heart and bowed slightly.

I always feel a little guilty about robbing their nests.

Afraid of waking up the rabbit, she moved very lightly,

After bowing, she found a random direction and continued walking.

"Tuantuan, is there any good place around here?"

She had to find a place to live as soon as possible.

[There are...but...they are all occupied by animals. 】

"Don't be afraid, I'm a big dragon."

[Then I'll find you someone easy to bully. 】

Tuanzi quickly found it.

[Nine o'clock direction, about 20 kilometers away, there is a big tiger. 】

【Madam, do it! 】


Fusheng: "... two... twenty kilometers?"

so far?

[emm... No way, there are weeds all around here, the nearest one is there. 】

[There is a large forest, there are rivers, and if there are animals... there are a lot of sheep. 】

"..." Fu Sheng thought for a while,

twenty kilometers,

Suppose she can walk five kilometers in an hour,

That would be a four hour walk.

four hours...

Fu Sheng looked down at the rabbit, hesitating.

Or...she still flies?

But flying will definitely wake him up.

After thinking for a moment,

Fusheng gently touched Ruantu's head, and called him softly,

"Little rabbit, wake up?"

"The sun is rising~"


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 31%】

"..." The rabbit didn't move, but its long ears trembled slightly, and gradually turned red, as if a little shy.

Fusheng was taken aback for a moment, and smiled,

"Are you awake?"

"..." The rabbit slowly opened his eyes and looked at her.

Fu Sheng rubbed his head, and said softly,

"I'm going to find a place to settle down now, do you want to go with me?"

"If you go together, I will protect you."

Fu Sheng pinched his little meat pad, her voice was soft.

"If you don't want...then just shake your head and I'll let you down."

The white rabbit was stunned, his eyes flickered slightly.

It looked at her fixedly, silent.

Fu Sheng thought for a while, then continued,

"There are snakes around here, and it's dangerous for you to be alone."

"If you don't want to go with me, I can take you to a safe place first, and I'll leave when you're safe. Are you okay?"

"..." The white rabbit hugged her hand subconsciously, his long ears trembling slightly.

The beautiful red eyes looked at her quietly, seeming a little nervous.

Fu Sheng was stunned,

"Do you... want to go with me?"


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 32%】

"..." Sure, willing.

Fu Sheng bent her eyes slightly, and reached out to touch his soft red ears, extremely gentle,

The quiet rabbit slowly lowered its eyes, moved its ears unconsciously, and hugged her obediently, but did not resist.

"Then... shall I take you away?"

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged him tightly in her arms.

She looked around, hesitated for a moment,


The huge black wings behind her slowly spread out, light and powerful.

With just a slight flap, the tumbling air in the air instantly carried her and flew up.

Fusheng flapped her wings slowly, lowered her head and touched the rabbit, and said softly,

"I want to fly, don't be afraid, I will hug you well."

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