The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 835 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (15)


Fusheng teased him for a while with a smile, and saw that his white and tender face was already flushed, and his appearance was ravaged beyond belief,

Only then did he touch his nose and accept it when he saw it.

"Nana is so cute."

She rubbed his soft hair and boasted with a smile.


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After comforting her soft and cute rabbit,

Fu Sheng started to deal with the tiger corpse lying on the ground.

Tigers are huge, at least four hundred kilograms in weight,

Just a thick forelimb weighs at least thirty or forty catties,

Fusheng dragged it away effortlessly, found a place with a river, and began to dissect it.

Beside her, the silent rabbit stared at her quietly, with serious eyes.

When those clean and pure eyes fell on her, she always felt helpless.

The dead tiger lay quietly on the ground,

After all, Fusheng still has human thoughts, and is unwilling to eat raw.

So...they have to be skinned first, gutted, and finally roasted.

But the rabbit beside her looked at her with clean and wet eyes, she was always a little restrained, afraid that he would be afraid.

After all, it was not easy for a herbivore to follow her.

Let him see himself eating a tiger again...

"What’s wrong with you?"

Nana tilted her head and looked at her softly, seeming a little confused.

The girl kept staring at the tiger and didn't move. Could it be... because she was worried that she wouldn't be able to eat it?

Fu Sheng thought about it, hesitated for a while, and said to him,

"Hey Nana, go and see if there are any caves around here?"

"If there's a cave, we'll live there tonight."

"Cave?" The rabbit boy blinked meekly,

He hesitated, staring at her, seemingly reluctant.

"Then... will you leave then?"

Fu Sheng was taken aback, then smiled, "No way."

"Nai Nai just go around for a while. You don't need to go in immediately when you see the cave. Come back and bring me, and we will go together."

I don't know which sentence touched the gentle young man,

His eyes suddenly brightened, his petal-like lips curved slightly, and he gave a soft "um".


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【Total approval rate: 59%】

The boy first stepped forward and hugged her softly,

After rubbing for a while, he reluctantly let go.

His beautiful clear red eyes stared at her watery, as if he was about to part with her.

Fu Sheng was helpless and funny.

She hugged him and coaxed him in a low voice,

"Nai Nai is not afraid, I will stay here forever and will not leave."

The boy was silent for a while, then let out a soft "um", and then slowly left.

When leaving, take a step and look back three times,

It seemed that she was afraid that she would run away like this.

Obviously just started,

He also avoided her.

Fu Sheng couldn't help laughing.

"Tuantuan, remember to keep an eye on him for me. If there is any danger nearby, tell me right away."

Tuanzi: [Over! receive! 】

While the rabbit is gone,

Fu Sheng hurriedly started to dispose of the tiger's body.

Although the movements of peeling the skin and cramping and digging out the internal organs are a bit rusty, the advantage is that she has great strength and the movements can be very clean.


ten minutes later,

A piece of ugly tiger skin was ripped off,

Because of inexperience and poor control of strength, some places are bumpy and many holes are broken.

Fusheng was cleaned briefly, and then hung on a low branch.

The internal organs were taken out and thrown into the river casually.

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