The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 836 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (16)


The two little hands were dirty and covered with blood.

[Ma'am, Ma'am, the shards are back. 】

"……So fast?!"

Fusheng looked at her bright red hands, and hurried to the river to wash them.

The bright blood stains melted into the clear river water and soon dissipated,

The originally white and tender hands also revealed their original skin color.

At some point, the beautiful and soft rabbit boy had already stood by the tree, looking at her quietly with clear eyes.

He stared at her bloody hand, then looked at the flesh on the ground that had been cleaned up, and pursed his lips, as if he had reacted.

She... didn't want him to see it.

The rabbit boy shrank his fingertips slightly, feeling a little confused.

She... Was she wary of him?

Why, avoid him?


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: -4%]

【Total approval rate: 55%】

Fusheng: "!"

She washed her hands quickly and looked back.

Seeing the beautiful young man under the tree, she shrank her hands subconsciously, a little embarrassed,

Sure enough, he couldn't see it.

Herbivores are always afraid of blood.

The mistaken dragon girl ran over with a guilty conscience and hugged him.

Afraid that he would be afraid, she coaxed softly,

"Nana, be good~ Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

"In the future, I will hunt and you will eat grass. Even if I starve to death, I will not eat you."

"..." The rabbit boy puffed his cheeks slightly, lowered his eyes slowly, and remained silent.

After a long while, he whispered "hmm".

he believed her,

However, she doesn't believe him.

Thinking of this, the rabbit boy pursed his lips, as if aggrieved.

The ruddy soft eyes stared at her fair neck, blankly, motionless.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 56%】

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief,

Fortunately, this fragment is very simple and easy to coax.

She thought for a while, rubbed his soft hair, and asked softly,

"Nai Nai, have you found the cave?"


The boy buried his head in her arms and muffled.

"In the upper reaches of the river, there is a big cave."

"I... we can go together."

Fu Sheng bent her eyes, "Okay."

She let go of him, turned around and walked to the tiger, wrapped the processed meat in a few lotus leaves,

The young man quietly followed behind her, his eyes dimmed as he thought of something.


The two walked up the river.

as expected,

After walking not far, a huge cave came into view.

The cave seems to be formed of natural stones and is somewhat dilapidated.

The huge hole is connected to the waterfall, hidden in the depths, like a water curtain hole, it looks very wet.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and frowned slightly.

so wet

How could her soft rabbit stand it?

"Nai Nai, this will feel very cold if you live in it."

Fu Sheng looked around and said.

There is water beside the cave, and there is a waterfall at the entrance of the cave.

Although it looks safe, it may be comfortable to live in the hot sun during the day,

But once at night, the temperature inside the cave absolutely plummeted, it was bitingly cold,

Her rabbit is small and weak, and I'm afraid it will freeze to death overnight.


The boy blinked in confusion and looked at her.

He hesitated for a while, pursed his lips and said softly,

"No... isn't there you?"

"Nai Nai... I can hold you to sleep."

The young man seemed a little shy, his cheeks flushed slightly, and his watery eyes were soft.

"..." Fu Sheng was taken aback,

holding her?


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