The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 842 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (twenty three)


(The first few pictures were blocked by the system because I drove a toy car. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it first and release it when I’m done.)





At noon this day,

Fu Sheng put on her skirt, and brought a certain rabbit who was still full of desires to the side of her vegetable field.

Because of the abundance of sunshine and abundant water,

The vegetables and carrots in the vegetable field are growing very well, with green shoots sprouting from the tips, full of vitality.

Rabbit Nana only took a few casual glances, then hugged Fu Sheng, coquettishly wanting to go back.

Fu Sheng patted his head lightly, helplessly,

"Be good, Nana, this is a carrot planted for you, please water it well."

"..." The boy was unhappy.

"Carrots can grow by themselves."

He didn't like Ah Sheng's focus on other things.

"..." Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, and laughed,

"Stupid Nana, if you don't water it, the carrots will dry up."

In fact, she understood what he meant,

However, she still wanted to take this opportunity to come out to breathe,

Otherwise, staying in that cave all the time and being dragged to do that kind of thing is really...

too tired.

Fu Sheng pinched the white and tender face of the rabbit boy, and coaxed him with a smile,

"Okay~ Nana, be good."

"If Nana doesn't want to water, you can go and sit first, or I can do it myself."


The rabbit's cheeks puffed up slightly, and then exploded, and his red eyes glared at her.

"Nanai, don't leave Ah Sheng behind!"

"Nai Nai wants to help Ah Sheng."

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

The rabbit lowered its head, angrily walked to the river, filled a handful of water with lotus leaves, and poured it on the vegetable field.

Although he looked very angry, his movements were very careful and serious, as if he was afraid of ruining her efforts.

"..." Fu Sheng smiled slightly.

Seeing her standing there, Rabbit angrily pointed at the tree path,

"A Sheng is sitting, and Nana can water herself."

He didn't want her to work.

The soft rabbit has a delicate face, serious and serious.

Although I don't know why,

But he just didn't like watching her busy.


He can help.

"Nana, shall we come together?"

Fu Sheng didn't listen to him, and walked over directly.

but did not expect,

The soft rabbit stood in front of her all of a sudden, with soft cheeks puffing slightly,

"Nai Nai can do well, there is no need for A Sheng."

"A Sheng can go to rest."

"..." Fusheng looked at the vegetable field and then at him.

For a long time,

Only then sighed, let go,

"All right, all right, Nana will do it herself."

Let him do some work, let him vent his energy,

Otherwise, if she always thinks about that kind of thing, she will be the one who is tired.

Fu Sheng convinced herself, and lay down beside the big tree with peace of mind.

The sun was shining brightly and the temperature was just right.

Fusheng leaned against the branch of the big tree, lazily looking at the rabbit who was busy on the vegetable field, his eyes were soft,

"Tuantuan, this fragment is too cute."

Warm and caring.

Except in some respects, he is nothing short of a cherub.

Tuanzi: […]

Caught off guard another mouthful of dog food.

"By the way, where did the plot go?"

Fu Sheng yawned leisurely, and asked casually.

[Development to... the heroine meets the fifth hero. 】

[The heroine has the aura of the protagonist, and every male orc she sleeps with is top-quality, and those orcs are willing to follow her, together... so what. 】


so much?

Fu Sheng was dumbfounded.

[It’s okay, madam, don’t be surprised, I flipped through the ending, the heroine needs to sleep at least twenty orcs. 】

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