The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 843 Don't move, I'll eat you! (twenty four)


[At that time, she will be a woman, living happily and happily with a group of male orcs. 】

Duanzi: (ˊˋ)*

Fu Sheng: "..."

City people really know how to play.

She looked dumbfounded.

"Where are they now?"

Fu Sheng suddenly became vigilant.

You can go anywhere, but never come to her place.

There is a silly rabbit here, in case it is kidnapped...

【where? ...Wait, let me look for it. 】

Tuanzi flipped through the book.

【Hmm... They seem to be in a cave in the west. 】

"West side?"

Isn't that the direction she is here?

Fu Sheng frowned.

[The specific directions are not mentioned in the book, but it is stated that Liang Lin has already arrived at the area where the Tiger Clan is distributed, and is about to meet the sixth male lead. 】

Tuanzi wiped his nosebleed silently.

"...Tiger Clan."

That's probably not far from here.

Fu Sheng was thoughtful.

She has no intention of conflicting with those people, and she should be able to avoid it as long as she drags her stupid rabbit back to the cave.

Slowly thinking, Fusheng set his eyes on the rabbit not far away that had been watering back and forth.

She pursed her lips and said,

"Tuanzi, if they come nearby, remember to remind me."

【okay! 】

Tuanzi flipped through the little Huangwen without looking up.

It just wants to watch it with relish,


The white mist on the side suddenly pulled away, leaving little Huang Wen aside.


This operation is damn familiar.

Soft Tuan turned his head and glared angrily,

The white mist dispersed lightly, with a faint tone,

"Kid, don't look around, be careful not to be spoiled."

Tuanzi: [... labor and management will grow up soon, okay? ? ? 】

In human form, it is considered an adult.

Let's see what happens.


"..." Bai Wu said nothing,

Little Huang Wen was also surrounded by white mist for an instant, and then disappeared.

Tuanzi: ∑( ̄□ ̄;)! ! !

[You tore up the plot, how can I tell Madam about the next plot? ? ? 】

The group was stunned.

"..." Bai Wu was silent, and immediately dispersed.

A wisp of gentle smoke poked its head, with a light tone,

"It's your fault, look around."

Tuanzi: [! ? 】

【What is random reading? ! I call it learning! ! 】

When it grows up, it will also do that kind of thing with its favorite Tuantuan.

 ̄へ ̄

Bai Wu: "..."

He sneered inexplicably, and said,

"Don't worry, there will be more opportunities for you to learn in the future."

As long as you don't cry.

The white mist enveloped it lightly, and its breath was slightly cold.


It scratched its head blankly, and felt a coldness behind it inexplicably.

Subconsciously, it hesitated to ask further questions,

There is always a feeling of guilt and fear.

[Forget it... Forget it, I will forgive you this time. 】

Tuanzi coughed lightly, pretending to be calm.

That sentence was also subconsciously ignored by it.

Bai Wu chuckled and didn't speak again.

Teng circled around the mirror, silent and quiet.



Fu Sheng took a nap.

The afternoon sun was just right, and it was quiet and comfortable.

She leaned against the big tree, resting her hands, breathing evenly.

After the rabbit finished watering, he was about to turn his head and shout excitedly,

But the woman under the big tree closed her eyes and fell asleep, her bright profile was clean and beautiful.

The afternoon breeze blew slightly, and the green leaves on the big tree swayed slightly, making a quiet rustling sound.

The girl's long hair fluttered lightly, her white shoulders were slender and straight, she was petite and charming.

She seemed to be completely asleep, her slightly curled eyelashes were gently blown by the wind,

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