The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 844 Don't move, I'll eat you! (25)


Like a butterfly feather, trembling and trembling, warm and beautiful.

The soft lips were quietly closed together, against her fair skin, it was extraordinarily charming.

The young man's eyes suddenly changed.

He walked over lightly, then knelt down and hugged her waist carefully.

He gently leaned his head on her smooth shoulder, rubbing it slightly, inexplicably cute.

The girl moved.

She opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw the soft rabbit in her arms, she just let out a soft moan, bent her lips,

"Has Nana finished watering?"


The boy hugged her tightly, rubbing his head against her arms.

After rubbing for a while,

He looked up again, eager to kiss her.

"..." Fusheng was sleepy, and vaguely felt that he was kissing her, and was about to yawn, but unexpectedly.

"... Nana?"

She held down his restless hand, and her temples throbbed.

After doing so much work, he still has so much energy?


"A Sheng, Nana likes you."

The rabbit kissed her lips obsessively, and said enthusiastically.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 87%】

Fu Sheng: "..."

She was simply powerless.

"A Sheng..."

The rabbit puffed up its cheeks, acting softly like a baby.

The beautiful red eyes stared at her softly, full of longing.

Fu Sheng sighed, and finally opened his eyes soberly.

The rabbit in her arms pressed against her cheek intimately, extremely clingy.

His white and slender body leaned against her tightly, as if he wished he could curl up in her arms.

The snow-white animal cloth was attached to her jet-black skirt, one black and one white, inexplicably harmonious.

Fu Sheng saw the sweat on his forehead.

She raised her hand, wiped it gently, with a gentle tone,

"Are you tired?"

The boy blinked, shook his head, and said softly,

"Nai Nai is not tired, Nana is very happy and can help Ah Sheng."

"..." Fu Sheng bent her lips.

She wiped the sweat off his brow carefully, her eyes were gentle.

The rabbit looked at her without blinking, and then smiled foolishly.

"Nai Nai is very capable and can help Ah Sheng."

His white and tender face obediently rubbed against her palm, so soft and cute.

Fu Sheng couldn't help laughing, and gave a low "hmm".

"Nana is awesome."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek,

The rabbit was stunned, and the soft and beautiful red eyes stared at her blankly, the soft eyes flickered slightly,

She didn't seem to expect that she would take the initiative to kiss him.

"A...A Sheng?"

Fusheng raised her eyebrows, smiling, "Don't you like it?"

"..." Rabbit violently shook his head, denying,

", Nana... Nana likes it!"

“I like it very much!!!”

The boy suddenly hugged her tightly, his lips parted, and he smiled foolishly.

"Nana loves it~"

Fu Sheng bent his eyes, stretched out his hand to rub his head, and let out a "hmm".


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 88%】


The two rested for a while under the tree,

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that they got up together.

The rabbit boy seemed to be in such a good mood that he exploded. On the way back to the cave, he hugged her tightly and refused to leave for a moment.

After the two returned to the cave,

Fusheng looked at the young man's dirty body, thought for a while, rubbed his head and said,

"Nai Nai, it's time for you to take a bath."

Although in the wild it's okay for animals to never bathe,

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