The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 845 Don't move, I'll eat you! (26)


But in the end she was still a human being at heart, always dirty, always somewhat unavoidably uncomfortable.


The rabbit holding her from behind tilted her head, a little confused, "What is a bath?"

"A bath is just—cleaning yourself."

Fu Sheng grabbed his dirty hand and looked at it.

Xu did it while watering today, his hands got some mud,

Plus he didn't wash his hands properly so he didn't wash them clean.

Fu Sheng blinked, thought for a while,

The water under the waterfall is considered upstream, so it should be fairly clean.

If you wash it off, it shouldn't be a problem.

make up one's mind,

She turned to the confused rabbit and said,

"Hey Nana, let's go to the river to wash first, wash ourselves clean, and then go back to sleep, okay?"

"Why do you need to wash it?"

Rabbit Nana is puzzled,

Since he was a child, he would only go to the small pool to drink water, and he would not get rid of the soil on his body.

A Niang said, the rabbit can't be so white, otherwise, it will be easily caught by the snake clan and the eagle clan.

Fu Sheng paused, "After washing, Nana will be very white."

"To put it bluntly..."

Her tone dragged on slowly, as if she was still thinking of words.

The young man blinked slightly, and suddenly spoke,

"White Rabbit, will Ah Sheng like it?"

"..." Fu Sheng was taken aback.

The young man in front of him looked at his body, pursed his lips, and lowered his head slightly, seemingly at a loss.

"Nanai is not clean anymore, it's not a white rabbit..."

He seemed to be aggrieved, his soft red eyes trembled slightly, and he subconsciously distanced himself from her.

"Nana dirty, Ah Sheng will hate it."

"Nai Nai needs to take a bath and wash herself clean."

His cheeks puffed slightly, and he said in a low voice.

"..." Fu Sheng opened his mouth, momentarily at a loss for words.

But the purpose of persuading him to take a bath has been achieved, and she can no longer say anything, so she has to acquiesce.

"Nai Nai, don't be sad, you wash it up before hugging, okay?"

Fu Sheng took his hand, leaned forward and kissed him lightly.

The rabbit's long eyelashes trembled, he lowered his head, and gave a soft "hmm".


Fusheng spread her wings, hugged him, and fell into the river.

Under the waterfall is a large pool, which is clear and spotless.

The temperature has also become very warm due to the sun shining for a day, which is just right for small animals to take a bath.

The water is not deep, only a little bit up to Fusheng's waist,

She retracted her wings and let go of the nervous rabbit in her arms.

The rabbit had obviously never been in such a deep water, and subconsciously hugged her, as if a little scared.

Fusheng looked around and made sure there were no other creatures, and then untied the snow-white animal cloth around the rabbit boy's waist.

"Nai Nai, be good, don't move around, it will be fine soon."

Fusheng kissed him reassuringly, and began to help him take a bath.

The rabbit boy pursed his lips and hugged her waist tightly, his body tensed.


A wet and clean rabbit is done washing.

He rewrapped the animal cloth, his eyes were wet and soft, he stared at her without blinking, his lips were bright red.

The soft hair rests on the forehead, slightly curled up, matching his soft white cheeks, full of cuteness.

Fusheng held back, but couldn't hold back, and leaned forward to kiss her several times.

"Nanai is so clean, Ah Sheng likes it very much~"

She smiled and scratched his chin, like teasing a cat, squeezing him.

"..." The young man's cheeks puffed slightly, without saying a word,

It's just that his eyes slowly lit up, staring at her, inexplicably hot.

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