The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 846 Don't move, I'll eat you! (27)


Fusheng pretended not to see it, pushed him, and said,

"Nai Nai, good boy, go and sit over there first, I'll go find you after I wash up."

The boy paused, his cheeks puffed up even more, he shook his head,

"don't want."

"Nai Nai wants to accompany Ah Sheng."

He spoke softly, the milk was too much.

He seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he said seriously,

"Nai Nai also wants to help Ah Sheng take a bath~"

"Nana can help you~"

Fu Sheng: "..."

Stupid rabbit is getting worse and worse.

"Nai Nai, if you don't go over there to guard, if other orcs come, they will see me naked."

Fusheng had a small face and said solemnly.

The rabbit's red eyes stared, round and round, as if he hadn't expected it at all.

next second,

He didn't hesitate any more, walked to the river angrily, and went ashore.

"Nanai don't show Ah Sheng to others."

"A Sheng belongs to Nana!"

The boy was so angry that he started to walk around.

It was as if someone was really watching them around.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes and laughed.

Sure enough, it's still a stupid rabbit.

It's easy to cheat and you're fooled.

The girl didn't delay any longer, she took off her skirt and washed it quickly.


The rabbit boy rolled his eyes round and round, his white and tender face was puffed up, serious and earnest.

He didn't go far, just sat near the river, observing his surroundings, motionless.

By this time, the sun had completely set, and the sky was darkening.

Only the bright moon shone faintly, illuminating that small patch of sky.

It's quiet in the woods,

The gentle evening wind blows slowly, the leaves rustle, cool and refreshing.

I do not know how long it has been,

not far away,

There were a few sparse footsteps, faintly, and it seemed that there were at least several people.

Nana was startled, her ears perked up slightly.

He is a rabbit, born with excellent hearing, and can easily hear voices three kilometers away.

If nothing else...

Someone really is approaching here.

The boy stood up instantly.

The sound of sparse footsteps was getting closer, and from time to time, there was laughter.

It appears to be... five males, and one female.

The rabbit was very vigilant and ran back to the river immediately.


Fu Sheng, who had been washed, had just landed on the shore when she saw her rabbit running towards her, seeming very nervous.

Seeing that she had been washed, the young man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged her tightly,

"A Sheng, someone is coming."

He pointed to the bushes over there and whispered.

Fu Sheng was taken aback, "Is there anyone?"

She has good eyesight and looks towards the bushes.

The bushes were shaking, and the range was getting bigger and bigger, it seemed that someone was really approaching.

The chatter and laughter became louder and louder, among which there was only one female voice, and the rest were all male voices.

The content of the conversation is extremely vulgar, all about mating,

Men flirt, women are extremely open.

Fu Sheng: "...!!!"

damn it

This can't be... the legendary heroine, can it?

She subconsciously held the boy's hand, wanting to leave.


She hadn't taken two steps when several dark shadows came out of the bushes and came to the river.

By the faint moonlight,

Fu Sheng saw the group of people clearly.

In the middle stood a short woman with loose long hair and delicate features.

Only the most important parts of her body were covered with leaves, her shoulders were thin and uneven, and her whole body exuded an inexplicable attraction.

She was surrounded by several tall and burly males, with several hands on her body, it was hard to tell who belonged to whom, they were all rubbing oil,

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