The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 853 Don't Move, I'll Eat You! (35)


The boy happily rubbed against her arms, his red eyes were soft and bright, and his excitement was beyond words.

"A Sheng, Nana is amazing~"

"..." Fusheng pinched his fleshy face, a little funny,

"Carrots are sweet?"


The young man rubbed her palm and hugged her waist, soft and well-behaved.

He snapped his fingers and slowly counted,

"Nai Nai has grown a lot of carrots, and there are enough carrots for Nana to survive the winter! Then Ah Sheng won't have to work so hard, and will fly out every day!"

The boy seemed to have thought of the beautiful scene of staying in the cave every day, and his ears moved slightly in excitement, wanting to prick up.

Fu Sheng: "..."

No, she wants to fly.

"Nana, good boy, we have to go out for a walk every day."

"If you stay in the cave all the time and don't bask in the sun, you will get sick."

Fu Sheng rubbed his head and coaxed him familiarly.

"..." The boy tilted his head, a little confused,

"A Sheng also wants to come out to bask in the sun in winter?"

"En." Fu Sheng nodded seriously.

The boy let out a long oh and hugged her tightly.

"Nanai also wants to follow Ah Sheng."

"Where A Sheng is, Nai Nai will be there."

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Yes."

"The same goes for A Sheng. Wherever Nana is, A Sheng will be there."

She will always follow him.


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The harsh winter has arrived.

Fusheng arranged the cave early, and took her own soft rabbit to nest in it.

The cave is located behind the waterfall. In winter, the river freezes, and the water of the waterfall will be bitingly cold.

Therefore, in order to prevent the temperature in the cave from being too low, Fusheng made cotton balls that had been planted and spread them on the rock wall.

By the way, make a quilt from the remaining cotton balls, and a thick robe.

Fusheng is a dragon, with thick skin and flesh, and is not afraid of the cold, so she half coaxed a certain silly rabbit, and put a white robe on him.

Although the rabbit has fur, it will also have a certain ability to keep out the cold in winter.

But Fusheng was worried that he couldn't bear it, so he got him a robe.

The soft and cotton robe was draped over the boy's body, making him more delicate and beautiful,

He lowered his head, covered his robe curiously, turned around,

next second,

He raised his head in surprise, his red eyes sparkling,

"A Sheng, Nana is very warm!"


He opened his arms to embrace her, and the wide robe wrapped the two of them, warm and comfortable.

The young man rested his head on her shoulder, his eyes bent, and he was overjoyed.

"Asheng, Asheng, Nana really likes it."

Fu Sheng pinched his face, smiled softly,

"This is a gift from me, be careful not to get dirty."


The boy hugged her joyfully, with a soft voice.

He looked at the thin skirt on the girl, then at himself, and then asked softly,

"Will Ah Sheng be cold? Nana can hold you all the time~"

Fu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, saying,

"I'm a dragon, I won't be cold."

"If it's cold, there's still a quilt."

She pointed to the quilt on the hay bed.

The rabbit was stunned, and then let out a slow "oh", as if he was a little disappointed.

He stared at the girl's thin and fair shoulders, her fair and tender face was slightly swollen, but she still pressed her tightly against it.

in spite of,

Ah Sheng is always cold.

He wants to hug her tightly and keep her warm.

The boy covered his robe and rubbed against her limply.

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