The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 854 Don't move! (36)


After setting up everything in the cave,

Fusheng looked around with satisfaction, and the well-behaved and warm rabbit who was holding her behind her all the time,

She nodded, relieved.

Now, you should be able to spend the winter comfortably.

The boy blinked, looked at all this, and said in a low voice, "A Sheng, I like this place so much~"

He happily pressed against her cheek, rubbing it.

The body is warm, like a small stove.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, glanced sideways at him, bent his lips,

"Then do you like me?"

The soft and cute rabbit was taken aback, and subconsciously hugged her tightly,


"I like it very much."

The tips of the young man's ears turned red, and his voice suddenly became quieter.

"Nanai... the one I like the most is Ah Sheng."

Because of her, everything here has become so pleasing to him.

The young man didn't hide his intentions at all, he held out his fiery heart, carefully, but also with obedient shyness.

Fusheng's brows and eyes were slightly soft, and she leaned close to his ear, and said softly,

"A Sheng, I also like Nana very much."

"I want to be with Nana forever and never separate."


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 96%】

The young man froze for a moment,

The beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and she looked at her stupidly, but the soft red eyes seemed a little unresponsive.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 97%】


The boy's voice trembled a little.

Fu Sheng blinked and nodded with a smile.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 98%】

"A...A Sheng..."

The boy seemed a little too excited to speak.

at last,

He hugged her tightly and put her on the bed.

Fu Sheng: "..."

The boy seemed to have no scruples at all, and began to tug on her skirt.

Eager and enthusiastic.

On the quilt, the clothes of the two gradually became messy,

Finally, embrace each other.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 99%】



in the cold winter,

Everything seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Crystal clear snowflakes fall from the vast and endless sky, covering the earth with a layer of snow-white velvet,

The white snow all over the sky is pure and flawless, and plum blossoms are blooming, cool and bright red, embellishing the earth with a few touches of beautiful bright colors.

by the waterfall,

Large chunks of ice condensed in the clear river water, and slowly descended along the river. Fat fish sank to the bottom of the water, and occasionally surfaced, revealing their small heads.

All was quiet, nothing but the whistling of the wind.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 100%】

at this time,

inside the cave,

The woman in the black skirt was lazily leaning on a certain rabbit, yawning half a dozen times.

Hearing the system prompt, she lifted her eyelids slightly and glanced at him,

The rabbit is busy covering her with the fluffy quilt, not wanting to expose her to the air,

He seemed to be very obsessed with this matter, his white and tender face rubbed against her, his cheeks bulged,

The quilt was finally covered,

He lowered his head, hugged her, and kissed her seriously, with a soft voice,


"When winter is over, we will still grow cotton."

"Grow a lot of cotton."

The young man puffed up his face, serious.

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