The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 867 Professor, teach me (8)


Tuanzi rubbed his hands excitedly when he thought of the scene where the lonely man and the widow were in the same room, laughing.

students and professors?

It's a little exciting to think about it.

Fu Sheng: "..."

"Smelly group, don't think about it."


Tuanzi immediately covered his mouth and stopped talking.

Fu Sheng rubbed her empty stomach and walked to the refrigerator.

Open the refrigerator and have a look,

It was almost empty.

Nothing but a few bottles of mineral water.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and fell silent.

Not giving up, she went to look through the cabinets again.

There should be all the pots and pans in the kitchen, but they are all deserted and covered with a thin layer of dust.


The original owner never entered the kitchen.

in memory,

The original owner usually goes to the cafeteria to eat after class.

If you are really hungry when you go home at night, you can store up a few packets of instant noodles and eat them differently.


When Fusheng came, there was no food in the family.

The empty refrigerator looks inexplicably sad.

Fu Sheng finally gave up.

She sighed, picked up the keys and mobile phone and went out.

She is too lazy to go to school, so she plans to go to the supermarket to buy a few boxes of instant noodles and come back to stock up.

down the stairs,

Fu Sheng trotted out of the community gate.

There is a large supermarket next to the community, which is very convenient.

Fusheng entered the supermarket and went straight to the instant noodle section.

The instant noodle area is neither too big nor too small, with two rows of shelves.

Fusheng pushed the shopping cart and tried all kinds of flavors.

【Madam, please buy more~ I want to eat too~】

The dumpling had never eaten this kind of thing before, and expressed its curiosity.


Fusheng took a few more buckets of instant noodles.


The big shopping cart is full of instant noodles,

Fu Sheng looked at it with satisfaction, and pushed the cart to the checkout counter.

Just lined up,

She looked up at the people in front of her.

When his eyes fell on the person who was paying the bill, he froze for a moment, surprised,

Jiang...Jiang Ji? !

at this time,

The young man in a black coat is leaning sideways, with his eyes downcast, paying with his mobile phone.

The calm and gentle side face is like a painting, pleasing to the eye.

The young lady at the cashier was already blushing, and she was slow to collect his things.

The gentle and refined young man took back his mobile phone, looked at the things he bought calmly, did not urge him, and waited politely and patiently.

Fu Sheng couldn't help but glanced at him again.

She is standing behind him right now, with a person in between, so Jiang Ji didn't notice her,

at the cash register,

Jiang Ji seemed to be shopping for vegetables and was going home to cook.

Clean and fair hands rested gently on the side of the cash register, warm and peaceful.


The young lady at the cashier handed him the item.

Jiang Ji took it, nodded slightly, and left sideways.


Fusheng opened her mouth subconsciously, trying to call him back.

But she was worried about something, her words stuck in her throat, and she didn't make a sound.

Jiang Ji quickly left the supermarket.

Fu Sheng unconsciously squeezed the handle of the car.

never mind,

It's better to take it slowly.

She appeared too often, and if he got annoyed... it would be bad.

Fu Sheng picked up his instant noodles and curled his lips.


She missed the rice cooked by her big baby.

When he was there before,

She never goes hungry,


Now he is not here.

Fu Sheng lowered her eyes slightly, feeling a little lost suddenly.

Staring at the full instant noodles, I felt aggrieved inexplicably.

She misses him.

If only he was there.


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