The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 868 Professor, teach me (9)


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【Total approval: 34%】

"..." Fu Sheng's long eyelashes trembled.

she looked up,

next second,

Outside the transparent door of the supermarket,

A slender man stood there, holding a bag full of ingredients, looking at her calmly.

After eye contact with the girl,

He curled his lips slightly and waved to her.

Fu Sheng was stunned, a little confused.

She was about to say something,

But the person in front of her had settled the bill and turned to leave.

Fu Sheng glanced at Jiang Ji, and hurriedly put his things on the cash register.

More than 20 barrels of instant noodles piled up, it seems that the quantity is a bit scary,

The young lady at the cash register glanced at her and couldn't help but say,

"Little sister, eat less instant noodles, and soak them with those who are not in good health."

Fu Sheng was paying with her mobile phone. Hearing this, she smiled and said nothing.

She also knows that eating too much instant noodles is not good,

But she doesn't know how to cook, so she can only eat instant noodles except for the cafeteria.


Fusheng carried the big bag and walked out.

at this time,

Jiang Ji hasn't left yet, and seems to be waiting for someone,

The slender body was leaning against the glass window, with his head lowered, his expression a little unclear.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, thought for a while, and stepped forward, and called out softly,

"Hi teacher~"


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【Total approval rate: 35%】

Jiang Ji raised his head slowly, looking at her peacefully with his beautiful eyes.

He quickly stood up straight and gave a slight "hmm".

Fu Sheng blinked, bent his lips and smiled, and continued,

"What a coincidence, the teacher also came here to buy vegetables?"

"..." Jiang Ji's eyes calmly landed on her bag.

The bag is white and translucent, and you can clearly see the full instant noodles inside.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at her thin and frail body, his voice was calm and indifferent,

"It's not good to eat instant noodles."


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【Total approval: 37%】

Fusheng subconsciously hid the shopping bag behind her,

She scratched her head, a little embarrassed,

"Thank you teacher for your concern. I understand. I will eat as little instant noodles as possible in the future."

"..." Jiang Ji looked at her quietly.

Fu Sheng touched his nose, and being stared at by him, he always felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.

She coughed lightly, looked at the ingredients in his hand, raised her hand, shook it, and said tentatively,

"It's getting late, then... goodbye, teacher?"


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【Total approval: 36%】

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

"Let's go together."

Jiang Ji looked away slightly, and looked to the side peacefully.

Under the setting sun, his gentle and jade-like profile was covered with a layer of warm veil, making it look extraordinarily soft,

The lip color is slightly dark, revealing a bit of rouge color,

When the slender body stood upright, it looked like a proudly standing Xiuzhu, cool and elegant, unparalleled in the world.

Fu Sheng was stunned, and followed subconsciously.

walked for a while,

Only then did she find out that Jiang Ji also lived in her community.

He is in the third building, and she is in the fourth building.

Fu Sheng was about to speak.

In no mood,

Jiang Ji suddenly stopped, looked sideways, and glanced at her, with a calm tone,

It seems that it was just mentioned casually,

"I bought too much food for tonight."

"So, do you want to come over for dinner?"

"!" Fu Sheng slightly opened his eyes wide,

"Can...can you?"

After getting Jiang Ji's nod,

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