The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 870 Professor, teach me (11)


As the faint smell of rice wafted out from the kitchen, Fusheng rubbed her stomach, feeling even hungrier.

She put down the book and looked into the kitchen.

when walking past,

She leaned against the door frame, looked at the gentle young man who was busy inside, with her fingers slightly shrunk, and watched quietly for a while.


very similar.

In every world, he will cook for her.

no matter where,

He always took good care of her.

Fu Sheng's eyes moved slightly.

I don't know why, but she is always a little sentimental today,

Probably... I missed him.

Fu Sheng slowly lowered his head.

for a while,

She sniffed softly to get her emotions in order.

"Tuantuan, let's work hard."

try harder,

Bai Bai can always be with her.

Fu Sheng clenched his fists.

【come on! Come on! 】

Tuanzi cheered childishly.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, then poked her head cautiously,


The gentle and beautiful young man was about to serve out the dishes,

Seeing her little head, he paused, slightly raised his lips,



Fu Sheng stared eagerly.

She stood up straight and reached out to help him, "Teacher, I can help."

"No, the food is very hot."

Jiang Ji avoided her hand.

After placing it on the dining table, he pulled a stool for her, patted it, and motioned her to sit,

"Wait a little longer, the meal will be ready soon."

"... Teacher, what can I do for you?"

Fu Sheng pursed her lips and looked at him.

She just eats and doesn't cook, which feels a little impolite.

Jiang Ji turned around, patted her on the head, smiling warmly,

"No, just sit down."

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.


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Jiang Ji came out with a steaming meal.

At some point, he had already taken off his black overcoat, revealing the immaculate white shirt inside,

Under the warm white light,

His beautiful eyebrows and eyes are warm and delicate, like a painting, pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps because he started washing his hands and making soup, the cool and elegant atmosphere on his podium in the daytime dissipated, and there was a bit more of a warm smell of smoke and fire.

The clean and soft side face hangs down slightly, with clear outlines,

The slender black eyelashes were hanging down, with distinct roots, casting a beautiful shadow.

Fu Sheng couldn't help staring blankly.

Jiang Ji set the bowl and handed her the chopsticks.

When he raised his eyes and touched the girl's silly face, he paused, seeming a little happy,

"What's wrong?"

A smile flashed across his dark and beautiful eyes.

"..." Fu Sheng finally came to his senses.

She coughed lightly, her ears turned red, "It's okay."

After taking the chopsticks he handed over,

She lowered her head, looked at the dish, and then at him.

Jiang Ji pushed the food towards her, with a gentle tone, "Eat it, there is not enough in the pot."

"..." Fusheng's nose soured,


She really misses him...

Fusheng was afraid that he would notice his strangeness, so he quickly lowered his head and ate from the bowl.


She cautiously raised her head to peek at him, hesitated to speak.

Jiang Ji lowered his eyes quietly, as if he didn't feel her peeping.

The movement of eating is gentle and polite, and the breath is gentle.

for a while,

It wasn't until the girl in front of her opened her mouth in a low voice that she looked up at her.

"Then... that... teacher, can I... come here to eat often in the future?"

"..." Jiang Ji paused.

The beautiful eyes looked at her calmly, without emotion.

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