The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 871 Professor, teach me (12)


Fu Sheng also knew that her request was a bit abrupt,

But she really doesn't want to go home and eat instant noodles alone...

She wants to be with him...

Fu Sheng looked at him cautiously, a little nervous,

"That... I can pay for the food."

"Or...or...I just come once in a while, okay?"

I'm afraid he won't agree,

Fu Sheng's voice was a little softer, his eyes were soft, and he looked inexplicably pitiful,

"I don't know how to cook...except for the cafeteria, I can only eat instant noodles..."

"Or, if the teacher cooks too much one day, you can leave some for me, and I can do it..."

The little girl spoke pitifully.

"..." Jiang Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, but the pupils were dark.

He put down his chopsticks, tapped on the table one after another, silent.

For a long time,

Fu Sheng couldn't wait for his answer, so he pursed his lips, and his voice became softer.

"Then...well then..."

"It's fine if the teacher doesn't want to, it's fine if I don't come—"


Jiang Ji looked at her calmly.

"...Huh?" Fu Sheng was stunned.

Jiang Ji smiled lightly, and repeated it patiently,

"You can come here."

"Eat dinner on time at five o'clock every afternoon, okay?"

"..." Fu Sheng's eyes flickered.


She whispered "hmm", her eyes were slightly red.

This piece is really good...



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have eaten,

Fu Sheng took a break and was about to leave.

Jiang Ji stood at the door to see her off.

Fu Sheng changed his shoes, looked at the handsome man in front of him, and hesitated for a moment.

at last,

She closed her eyes, and suddenly embraced her.

Because she was afraid of being pushed away by him, she subconsciously tightened her arms and hugged her tightly,

The little head leaned against his chest and rubbed it slightly.

"..." Jiang Ji's long eyelashes moved, and he lowered his eyes, looking at her calmly.

His dark eyes were pale, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly.

It's just that the hand on the door frame tapped lightly, calmly and indifferently.


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【Total approval: 47%】

Fu Sheng just hugged her, and soon let go.

She took a step back, looked at the gentle and handsome man in front of her, smiled, bowed,

"Thank you teacher for your hospitality, I am really happy."

Can eat the meal he cooks, but also hug,

She already feels quite content.

Fusheng's mood improved visibly.

She casually picked up her big bag of instant noodles, waved to Jiang Ji with a smile, and said goodbye.

"Goodbye, teacher~"

"Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon, I will be there on time~"

under the light,

The man was wearing a neat white shirt and looked at her peacefully.

The soft light shone on him, light and floating, like a layer of light tulle, hazy and moist.

His eyebrows are picturesque, his lips are dark, with a touch of bookishness, so beautiful,

Like the bright moon and stars in the sky, cold and unparalleled.

Fu Sheng was itching to see him, and wanted to go over to kiss him.

But reason still made her restrain herself.

She put her hand on the door and was about to close it,

In no mood,

A slender white hand suddenly pressed down, and gently pushed the door open.

Jiang Ji walked out unhurriedly wearing the slippers she had just changed.

He patted her on the head, his tone was gentle and normal, he seemed to have ignored the matter of her hugging him just now,

"I'll take you back."

"It's too late, it's not safe for a girl to go alone."

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