The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 874 Professor, teach me (15)


Fu Sheng didn't want to fight an uncertain battle.

She touched her neck and smiled unconsciously.



outside the door,

Jiang Ji entered the elevator and pressed the floor.

The door closed slowly.

In the clear mirror,

The man as gentle as jade slowly raised his scarlet lips, his dark eyes were dark.

The elegant and gentle aura seemed to be torn apart, revealing the darkness originally hidden in the bottom of my heart.

He raised his hand slowly,

There was nothing on the white and slender hands.

Just now,

It's here... touched the girl's waist, and her hand,

If it is not the case,

he really wants to...

The man narrowed his eyes, chuckled, and blocked the darkness in it.


The elevator stopped quickly on the first floor.

The door opened slowly.

Inside, the man whose face regained his warmth came out unhurriedly.

His eyes are picturesque and cold,

The beautiful outline is soft and clean, like a scroll, intoxicating and charming.

A girl who was waiting for the elevator was stunned for a moment.

Until the man walked away, she still looked at him stupidly, unable to recover for a long time.

for a while,

She slapped her head violently,

"Fuck! Jiang Ji!!!!"

The most famous Professor Jiang of Huaqing University! ! ! !

Jiang Ji...

Do you live in this building? ! ?

Girls are crazy.



Jiang Ji left the four buildings, but did not go home right away.

He walked out of the gate of the community, and then walked into the supermarket again.

half an hour later,

The lady at the cash register stared blankly at the cart full of women's products,

momentary feeling...

My heart is broken.

While picking up things and scanning the barcode, she couldn't help but look up at the gentle and beautiful young man in front of her.

Jiang Ji originally looked down at his things quietly,

He seemed to be aware of her gaze, and raised his eyes calmly, his eyes were slightly cold, obviously a little impatient,

"Please hurry up."

"Also, I have a girlfriend."

"... oh..." The little sister immediately lowered her head in a panic, and her movements quickened.

After half a minute,

Jiang Ji settled the bill, picked up his things and left.

The young lady at the cash register couldn't help but looked at him several times, feeling regretful in her heart,


Good-looking men have girlfriends,




the next day,

Fusheng finished class,

Arrived at Jiang Ji's house at five o'clock on time.

She took out the key from her schoolbag, thought about it, and inserted it carefully.

The door opened gently with a "click".

Fu Sheng pushed open the door and poked his head in.

It was quiet inside, as if no one was there.

There was a pair of pale pink shoes quietly placed by the door, the style was similar to yesterday's pair, but the size was smaller.

It looked like it was meant for her.

Fu Sheng blinked and walked in.

After changing the shoes,

She closed the door casually and took off her schoolbag.

into the living room,

On the dining table at the side, several plates of warm dishes were quietly covered, and the dishes and chopsticks were carefully arranged.

The faint smell of food in the air, like a small hook, instantly aroused Fusheng's appetite.

She walked to the dining table, swallowed, her eyes sparkled,

"Tuantuan, Baibai is really too virtuous!"

Oh, she really likes it~


Behind Fusheng suddenly came a low and hoarse male voice,

Fu Sheng turned back abruptly,


Jiang Ji was wearing a simple light gray home clothes, leaning gently against the wall with a faint smile on his lips.

He was in his pocket, wearing a pair of light-rimmed glasses,

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