The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 875 Professor, teach me (16)


The dark eyes are slightly curved, and the long and narrow eye tails are slightly raised, gentle and elegant, making the bookish air on her body even stronger.

The gentle and jade-like man, just standing there, becomes a beautiful painting by himself, and the beauty is overwhelming.

Fusheng laughed all of a sudden, her eyes sparkled, she looked very happy,

"Teacher, you are really kind!"

If she had a tail behind her, she would almost wag.

Fu Sheng couldn't hold back, ran over and hugged him cautiously.

but soon,

She backed away consciously, and went to wash her hands with a smile.


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval rate: 57%】

Jiang Ji smiled and followed slowly.

He took out a ceramic cup from the cupboard, filled it with warm water, and placed it on the table.

When Fusheng came back after washing his hands, he saw the ceramic cup on the table.

The porcelain white cup has a cat-like pattern, its tail is bent and turned into a thin handle,

The cat's eyes are closed, its posture is lazy,

There is clear warm water in the belly, which looks very cute.

Fu Sheng blinked, and looked at Jiang Ji for a moment, a little surprised,

"Teacher, is this for me?"

Jiang Ji curled his lips slightly, and said calmly,

"I didn't know when I bought it before. Since you are here, I will use it for you."

He seemed to glance at the cup casually,

Seeing the girl, she gave an oh and happily picked it up to drink water.

He lowered his eyes slowly, and slowly pushed his shallow-rimmed glasses, the corners of his lips slightly raised.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 58%】


Fu Sheng discovered that there were many different things in Jiang Ji's house.

For example, pink and white towels, and cute big pillows,

Even on the small balcony, there is a string of wind chimes tied with red strings.

In the spotless and cold house, there was inexplicably a little more warmth from the hostess.

Fusheng felt strange, and secretly asked Tuanzi,

"Tuantuan, did Fragment find a girlfriend?"

【……ah? no wow]

【Madam, what are you thinking, adults will not fall in love with others. 】

Dumplings: →_→

"..." Fu Sheng was puzzled,

"Then why are there so many things for girls?"


Is it for her?

Fu Sheng secretly glanced at Jiang Ji.

Speaking of which,


She used both the cup and the shoe.

He didn't seem to be bothered.

Fu Sheng thought for a while, but suddenly he couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

She took a mouthful of rice, and then peeked at him for a while.

Jiang Ji seemed to be completely unaware, with his eyes lowered, eating quietly.

For a long time,

The quiet little girl suddenly made a sound and said tentatively,

"... Teacher, can I ask you a question?"

Jiang Ji raised his eyes slightly, and looked at her peacefully with beautiful, dark eyes, which were light and clear.

The little girl in front of me hummed, blinked her big warm eyes, and asked cautiously,

"Teacher, you... have a girlfriend?"

"..." Jiang Ji paused.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at her with a half-smile,

The voice is gentle, and vaguely gentle,

"Why do you think so?"

Fu Sheng silently pointed to the big pink pillow on the sofa.

As for this stuff, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed, but he would like it.

It looked fine yesterday.

A deserted room,

Suddenly there are so many things for girls,

It's not about love anymore...

Could it be that his mother is here?

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