The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 876 Professor, teach me (17)


Jiang Ji chuckled lightly, but the meaning was somewhat unclear.

under the frame,

He looked at her intently with his dark and warm eyes, still like a modest son, dignified and elegant,

The beautiful jade-like face somehow thought of something, the brows and eyes softened slightly, with a touch of tender affection,

"No girlfriend."


Haven't caught up yet.


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【Total approval: 60%】

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

"...then these things are..."

For me?

She hesitated, not daring to speak out.

I'm afraid that if she is self-indulgent, the scene will be a bit embarrassing.

The corners of Jiang Ji's lips raised slightly, he picked up the chopsticks as if nothing had happened, and picked up a piece of meat for her,

He said calmly, with good reasons,

"Today's supermarket sale, buy one get one free."

"I went to buy some daily necessities, and I was given these."


Fu Sheng was suspicious,

Why didn't she see it?

The little girl looked at it suspiciously for a while,

Finally, reluctantly nodded,

She unconsciously picked up the meat that Jiang Ji put over just now, and ate it, looking a little dazed.

The gentle and elegant young man looked at her with a smile, his eyes darkened.

After a while, he calmly said,

"You can take it if you like."

"There is no one else at home, so I don't need these things."

"……no, I'm fine."

Fusheng is so embarrassed.

It's fine to eat his food, but also to take something,

It just doesn't make sense.

The little girl suddenly remembered something, put down her chopsticks, took out her mobile phone, and said softly,

"Teacher, shall I transfer the food expenses for you?"

"Twenty-five a night, thirty nights is..."

"No need."

Jiang Ji reached out and held her down.

When the slender, white hand rested peacefully on her wrist, it was pleasing to the eye and extremely beautiful.

He took her mobile phone away, put it aside, and said softly,

"These are not in a hurry, you can pay them back later."


Fu Sheng didn't react for a while.

The young man in front of him smiled, his beautiful eyes looked at her calmly, his lips were bright red,

"I mean, after you work, you can pay back."


Fu Sheng nodded, expressing understanding,

Probably he felt that he was a student and had no money in his pocket,

So considerately allow her to work to earn money first, and then pay back.


It's so sweet...

Fu Sheng couldn't help bending her eyes,

"Teacher, you are so kind!"

"Then let me figure out how much I have to repay in total."

"A month is seven hundred and five...that year is..."

Jiang Ji raised his eyebrows slightly, watching the little girl counting with her fingers.

He slowly pursed his lips and remained silent.

One meal, one cook.

Then in the next month, you can do it at least 30 times.

Except for the necessary seven days,

On average, you can do it at least twice a day for a month.

The man's bony hands tapped slowly and lightly, staring at her waist with deep eyes.


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【Total approval rate: 62%】

"Teacher, when I work, I will pay you back 30,000 yuan."

Fu Sheng will be ready soon.

As soon as I raised my eyes and touched his eyes, I was subconsciously stunned, a little dazed,


Why does she feel weird?

Isn't that right?

The young man pushed his glasses, smiled warmly, and suppressed the dark color,

"It's okay, let's eat."

"The matter of paying back the money can be discussed later."

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