The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 877 Professor, teach me (18)



Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and picked up the chopsticks again.


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【Total approval rate: 61%】

have eaten,

Fusheng hugged the big pillow on the sofa and rested for a while before leaving.

She still has classes in the evening, so she has to go back to school first.

Jiang Ji stood on the balcony, looked at her figure, and quickly disappeared outside the community.

He tapped on the balcony railing lightly, with a pale face, no emotion could be seen,

After a few minutes, he entered the house.

On the sofa, the pillow that the girl hugged just now was still gently placed on the sofa,

The cat porcelain cup that I drank was also quietly placed on the coffee table, and there was still a small half glass of water in it.

The man sat where she had just sat, slowly picked up the porcelain cup, and drank the water in it.

The bright red lips were moist with water, and the phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, calm and dangerous,

"Why, don't you always learn well..."

The man chuckled.

Obviously he had warned him to be wary of men.

in particular……

A man who has been cheating on her.

Jiang Ji's eyes gradually darkened.

Since I foolishly ran in,

Don't blame him either.

Let's do it.


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[Fragment Recognition: +4%]

【Total approval rate: 65%】



the next day,

early in the morning,

The classroom for "Introduction to Zhuangzi" was full of people.

Obviously, classes start at ten o'clock,

Since nine o'clock, people have already come to occupy seats one after another.

The first and second rows are filled up quickly.


Everyone came to listen to Professor Jiang Ji's class.

Ten minutes before class starts,

Fu Sheng walked in through the back door with her schoolbag on her back.

Once in the door,

She widened her eyes slightly, almost suspecting that she had made a mistake,

Isn't this a professional class?

Why are there so many people suddenly?

In the empty classroom,

At this time, it was already full of students.

Quite a few came later like her, and couldn't find a seat.

In desperation, I could only sit on the steps next to the seat.

Fusheng saw many professional faces,

Everyone has no seats. When they saw her, they waved specially.

Fusheng smiled, and followed suit.

After beckoning,

She looked around,

The stairs in front are already full.

Now she should only be able to stand in the last row and listen to the class.

Fu Sheng sighed, and stood behind resignedly.

She took out a thick textbook and pen, held it in her hands, and began to read with her head down.

The whole classroom was noisy, full of girls' excited voices.

The mobile phone is also held high, adjusting the angle of taking pictures.

Fusheng listened to the person next to him talking for a while,

Only then did I understand why there were so many people in the classroom.

It turned out that everyone knew that Jiang Ji was going to take a class for one semester.

So I inquired about the class time early and ran over to listen.

Because Jiang Ji is extremely popular in the school, especially girls, there are not many who don't like his face,

So this class,

People majoring in foreign countries almost squeeze the students of this major out of place.

Standing on the left and right of Fusheng are all students of this major,

Everyone stood pitifully, using their hands as desks.




"Jingle Bell--"

"Jingle Bell--"

At ten o'clock, the school bell rang.

The classroom was also instantly quiet, and there were no more noisy and exciting voices.

The girls sitting in the front row all wore beautiful makeup, sat up straight, and waited nervously.

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