The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 878 Professor, teach me (19)



The front door of the classroom was pushed open,

A gentle man in a simple white shirt and black pants walked in.

He wears glasses and holds a thin notebook and textbooks in his hand,

He was slender, and wore a silver watch on his bony wrist, on which the cumbersome and precise mechanical hands rotated silently.

When the man walked in, he saw that the classroom was full of people, he paused, and his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

He walked to the podium in a slow manner, his beautiful eyes looked around in front of him unhurriedly, his knuckles were clasped lightly, and his emotions were unclear.

"I remember that my students were only fifty."

"..." There was silence in the classroom.

Jiang Ji pushed his glasses, his eyes lightly fell on the person farthest away,

Because there are too many people in the classroom,

The aisles were already full.

Even the gaps in the last row are squeezed,

Several petite girls could only tiptoe to class.

Jiang Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, and slightly withdrew his gaze,

I took out the student roster from my notebook,

After a brief glance, he picked up the textbook, with a cool tone,

"Those on the list, follow me to the next classroom."

"The rest, please feel free."

"..." The people in the front row looked at each other.

A girl stood up unconvinced, "Professor, we also want to learn "Introduction to Zhuangzi", why don't you let us listen?"

"There was never a rule in the school that we couldn't sit in."

Jiang Ji raised his eyes slightly.

After glancing at the girl, he sneered and tapped his knuckles, as if with a bit of vile coolness,

"If you want to take this course, you can choose it yourself next semester."

"In the future, I will only read the list of my classes, and the rest will not be allowed to attend."

The man said every word indifferently, without showing any mercy.

It was as if he was angry for the first time,

The gentle and polite atmosphere of the past is no longer there, and even though the glasses are blocking it, it is difficult to hide the cold light in his eyes.

The girl fell silent for a moment.

for a while,

There was a dead silence in the classroom.

Jiang Ji walked out with his things.


The students crowded in the aisle happily followed.

Changed the classroom,

Without the crowding of people from other majors, the classroom suddenly became empty.

Fu Sheng walked in and sat in the third row.

"Hey, Professor Jiang is so handsome..."

The girl next to her whispered excitedly.

"We are not allowed to attend the class in the future. Doesn't that mean that only we can attend the class?"

"Oh, so happy!!"

Fu Sheng glanced at her and laughed out loud, "But this class is very difficult, when the time comes for the exam..."

The girl was stunned, then let out a groan, seemingly indifferent,

"Lin Sheng, you are the class representative, why don't you help us ask the key points before the exam?"

"It's best if you can figure out the problem."

She smiled wickedly.

Fu Sheng: "..."

She is just a mover, so she has no feelings.

The two were talking,

Jiang Ji stood on the podium, holding the list, looking at the people below, tapping his knuckles.

After everyone is seated,

He opened his mouth gently and apologized,

"I wasted ten minutes of everyone's class just now, and I will make up for it when the get out of class is over."


Everyone is very happy.

I am so lucky to have chosen this course,

The Immortal Professor belongs only to them.

Jiang Ji nodded slightly, and put his gaze on Fusheng calmly,

Fu Sheng looked at him, blinked his big eyes, and smiled unconsciously,

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