The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 882 Professor, teach me (23)


As soon as Fusheng turned around,

The man suddenly held her down, leaned over and kissed her.

The man covered her head with his hands,

Pressing her against the door, kissing her vigorously,

Crazy and eager.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, clinging tightly to her,

The long and narrow phoenix eyes were less casual than usual, staring at her deeply, the pupils were dark.


Fu Sheng opened his eyes wide.

Putting a hand on his shoulders helplessly,

Gently, but without resistance.

The man kissed for a long time,

As if treating her lips like a pastry, biting her lips slowly, her breathing was disordered,

The arms holding her waist tightened more and more,

It seems that he wants to integrate her into his bones.

Until Fusheng was almost out of breath,

The man is a little more relaxed.

However, he still didn't let go of her and kissed Qingqian.


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I do not know how long it has been,

The girl being hugged feels that her mouth is almost unconscious,

Being kissed so crisply and numbly,

The man let go of her slowly.

His bright red lips were slightly raised, his beautiful eyes were slightly lowered, and his tone was soft, with a bit of serious study,

"The book says that kisses should take longer."

Fu Sheng: "..."

She glared at him and almost laughed out of breath,

"Are you studying?"

Jiang Ji tilted his head slightly, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes were light, with a bit of eagerness to study,

"It's my first time being a boyfriend and I don't have much experience, so naturally I have to study hard."

"Don't you want me to be a competent boyfriend?"

Fu Sheng: "..."

She held her forehead helplessly,

"Okay, okay."

"Then what else have you learned from reading?"

Jiang Ji stared at her, raised his lips slightly, expressively,

He pushed his glasses, lowered his eyes, and recalled calmly,

"The book says that lovers kiss at least twenty times a day, hug thirty times, and hold hands fifty times."


The man raised his beautiful dark eyes, his face was warm, and he seemed very serious.

"I'm thinking twenty times a day means we kiss every half hour."

"Hug every twenty-five minutes, hold hands every ten minutes."

"And now, five minutes have passed."

Fu Sheng: "..."

"Which book said it?"

Labor went to burn it.

Jiang Ji slowly embraced her waist, put his head on her shoulders, exhaled lightly,

His voice was soft, with some doubts,

"Could it be that the book says something wrong?"

Where the girl couldn't see, the man's dark eyes were calm and deep.

Slowly rubbing her waist with his hands, smiling with scarlet lips, dangerous and calm.

Fu Sheng froze for a moment, pursed his lips, hesitantly,

"Not...not at all."

In love, you can really kiss and hug,


Is this too frequent?

Fu Sheng was a little confused.

so often,

She was afraid that her mouth would be kissed.

A certain rabbit in the previous plane also liked to kiss her very much,

I have to kiss forty or fifty times almost a whole day,

But fortunately she was a dragon at that time, invincible,

Won't break skin.

As for now...

Fu Sheng has a headache.

My boyfriend is so easy to learn, what should I do...

"Jiang Ji, actually... couples don't need to kiss so many times a day."

Fu Sheng couldn't help touching her lips that were still numb,

Just now he kissed long and hard,

The kiss made her legs go limp.

Twenty more times like this...

She might not even be able to walk.

Fu Sheng had no choice but to persuade him tactfully.

Jiang Ji's phoenix eyes were half closed, and their color gradually darkened.

He smiled, his tone was light,

"My dear Sheng, don't question the textbook."

daily tickets

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