The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 883 Professor, teach me (24)


He smiled, his tone was light,

"My dear Sheng, don't question the textbook."

Fu Sheng: "..."


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【Total approval rate: 81%】

Jiang Ji quickly let go of her, with a warm face.

He patted her on the head politely, his lips were bright red,

under the frame,

The beautiful phoenix eyes are cold and noble, indifferent and without trace,

"You don't like it?"

He seemed puzzled.

Fusheng: "...not really."

"that is……"

Fu Sheng was about to say that there were too many kisses,

But suddenly thought of something, she swallowed the words silently,


The little girl coughed lightly, her cheeks flushed slightly, na na,

"Oh well."

"Twenty times a day..."

Although I don't know which book it was written in,


Kissing and hugging should increase the relationship between two people, right?

Fu Sheng looked at the cold and calm man in front of him, silently stepped forward to hug him,

"Well...the book says yes, hug once every fifteen minutes?"

She kind of forgot, not sure.

Jiang Ji frowned,

He slowly raised his arms, encircled her, and gave a low "hmm\

,"His eyes lightly fell on her neck, and the corners of his lips curled up calmly, with a gentle smile.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 82%】




Fu Sheng felt how strong someone's ability to learn and practice is.

Say yes twenty times,


Fu Sheng couldn't count how many times he was kissed.

Just stayed at his house for one night,

He was kissed at least ten times.

she thought,

With him at the side, she can read some obscure books, and ask him when she doesn't understand,



She always felt that the identities of the two had been switched,

He should be the one to confess, not her.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 83%】

"..." Fu Sheng felt more and more that she had been cheated.

She looked at the gentle and jade-like man beside her, with suspicious and weird eyes,


The man was lowering his eyes, quietly flipping through a somewhat old foreign book,

He was wearing glasses with light-colored frames, and the orange light sprinkled on his face, adding a bit of soft and pure warmth,

I don't know when,

The neckline of his meticulous shirt has already unbuttoned a few buttons, and it is slightly opened, revealing the delicate collarbone inside.

The aura on his body is cool and elegant, rushing towards his face, reassuring.

under the desk,

He held her hand lightly and with little force, but he never let go.

Dry and warm palms were pressed against her, resting quietly beside his legs, indifferently, as if they were just doing routine work.

Fu Sheng looked at him, hesitant to speak.

There is still a numb feeling on her lips, reminding her all the time,

One day, we have to kiss twenty times.

"..." Fu Sheng was really in pain and happy.

【Huh? Ma'am, are you together? 】

Tuanzi just came out of the little black house,

I saw two people holding hands, and the atmosphere of getting along was different.


The lady confessed successfully.


"...Well, we are together."

Although she always has a feeling that she has been cheated,


The result is still good.

Fu Sheng smiled, and unconsciously moved his hands.

Jiang Ji's eyes quickly looked over.

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