The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 884 Professor, teach me (25)


Fu Sheng froze instantly, not daring to move.

"That... that... it's not half an hour yet..."

She pointed cautiously to the clock on the wall.

"..." Jiang Ji's beautiful eyes slowly stained with a smile.

He gave a low "um" and squeezed her hand with a gentle tone,

"Don't worry, I won't eat you."

Fu Sheng: "... who said there is no..."

when kissing,

As if to swallow her up.

She complained quietly.

Seeing the man with clear eyes, looking at her calmly,

She silently closed her mouth again, lowered her head to read the book,


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 85%】

Jiang Ji gave a chuckle with unknown meaning, and gently pushed his eyes, the deep eyes were filled with dark currents,

Seems to be thinking about something.

but soon,

He looked away calmly, and held her hand tightly as if nothing had happened.


The two were silent for a while.

Just as the atmosphere in the room gradually calmed down,

"Jingle bell—jingle bell—"

I only heard the sudden and rapid ringtone of the mobile phone,

It broke the tranquility of this piece.

Fu Sheng raised her head subconsciously and touched her mobile phone.

Jiang Ji looked over slightly.

get the phone,

The screen displays - Uncle the housekeeper.

Fu Sheng froze, thought of something, frowned,

The Yun family... came to find her.

Before they left, they said,

Unless something happened to Miss, I won't contact her,

Suddenly a phone call came...

Fu Sheng probably had some guesses.

The phone keeps ringing,

Fu Sheng turned to look at Jiang Ji, smiled, and said softly,

"I'm going to answer the phone, I'll be right back."

"..." Jiang Ji narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly.

Fu Sheng kissed him, then walked out quickly.

She looked behind and saw that there was no one there, so she answered the phone with confidence.


"Excuse me, is it Xiaosheng?"

The person on the phone asked politely.

Fusheng: "Hello, Uncle."

"Hi, Xiaosheng."

"Are you free now? Our lady needs your help."

"...Now?" Fu Sheng blinked.

"Yes, the car has arrived downstairs at your house now, and we need you to come back as soon as possible."

"..." Fu Sheng paused, then turned to look at the open door of the room,

Soon, she sighed, lowered her head and held up her phone, and said "hmm".

The phone was hung up immediately.

Fu Sheng stood on the balcony and looked downstairs.

Under the four buildings opposite, a familiar black car parked there quietly, and two bodyguards in black stood at the door, waiting for her.

Fu Sheng frowned slightly.

[Ma'am, Ma'am, I know what's going on. 】

【Just now, Yun Xiyuan suddenly had a massive internal bleeding, and her condition worsened without warning. The Yun family is now in chaos. 】

"So I went over to give her a blood transfusion?"

Fu Sheng looked at his hands.

【I do not know……】

[Maybe you used to prepare for a rainy day, right? 】

The group doesn't know much about this either.

Fu Sheng's expression froze slightly.

She thought for a while, took the phone and walked back.

In the warm orange light,

Jiang Ji seemed to be still reading a book, the scroll was open, a pen was still in his hand,

Fusheng walked over, hugged him, rubbed against him,

Jiang Ji paused, then slowly shifted his gaze to her,

Fu Sheng kissed him and said softly,

"Jiang Ji, I have something to do now, I need to leave for a while."

"You don't have to wait for me, I'll go home straight away when I come back, see you tomorrow, okay?"

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