The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 888 Professor, teach me (29)


"Hanging on the hook, one hundred years, not allowed to change... Oh no, it should be forever and never allowed to change."

Fusheng hooked his hand and promised seriously,

"No one is allowed to lie, especially me. In the future, I must think about the feelings of my precious boyfriend before doing things."


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【Total approval rate: 87%】

Serious oath word by word,

Silently, engraved into the soul,

Fu Sheng cast a curse on himself.

The most ruthless curse.

With a smile on her face, she hugged Jiang Ji,

My heart is inexplicably complicated.

She used to feel that

It's right to do this, it's wrong to do that, so do,


She seems to have been ignoring his feelings all this time,

Sometimes...and lie to him.

Fu Sheng suddenly discovered,

I seem to be too sensible sometimes,

Rationally enough, you can turn a blind eye to the feelings between two people.

this way,

The person who was hurt... Maybe he was the only one?

Fu Sheng sighed softly, feeling a little distressed.

"Jiang Ji, I'm sorry."

Husband, I'm sorry.

Fu Sheng hugged him tightly, with a sullen tone.

"I will change it in the future, and I won't make you sad."

she really really

I know I'm wrong.


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Jiang Ji slowly stroked her head, lowering his eyes.

Fu Sheng was quiet for a while, and whispered,

"Jiang Ji, let me tell you the truth."

"Actually... I am an orphan adopted by the Yun family, and I have been raised by them since I was a child. The reason why I was adopted is because... my blood type is the same as Miss Xiyuan's."

"They raised me, and they were kind to me, so if something happened to Miss Xiyuan, I would naturally do my part."

Fu Sheng paused, then quickly said,

"But if you don't like it, then I will never donate blood again, and I will repay you with something else, okay?"

She took his fingers and shook them,

"I promise, I will never lie to you this time."

"..." Jiang Ji's eyes slowly dimmed.

He didn't speak, hugged her,

Smoothly, he opened the car door behind her.


Fusheng was carried into the passenger seat by him.


Her car door is locked.

The man walked around the front of the car and got into the driver's seat.

"Crack——" a sound,

The doors are all locked.

Fu Sheng was stunned,

I haven't reacted yet,

The body was carried into the arms of the man by Xuankong.

next second,

Her lips were tightly blocked, and there was nowhere to hide.

I don't know when,

The screen of the windshield has been pulled up,

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen from the outside.

The car parked there quietly,

until a long time,

He started the engine and left slowly.


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【Total approval rate: 91%】


in the passenger seat,

Fusheng's cheeks were soft and red, and she slowly straightened her messy clothes,

Her lips are red, and her fair neck is full,



The hair tied into a ponytail was slightly spread out and fell down, looking sweet and pleasant.

The little girl sat quietly, as if shy about what had just happened,

She glanced at the man beside her from time to time, her red lips were slightly pursed, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved.


her big baby.

She likes it very much.

The man is looking ahead at the moment, driving the car unhurriedly,

The wandering lights and shadows on the side of the street illuminate his side face,

Soft and cool.

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