The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 889 Professor, teach me (30)


Maybe I just did something intimate,

His lips are also extremely bright red, and his narrow and attractive phoenix eyes are rippling with light, against the faint light and shadow on the street, they are extraordinarily beautiful.

The neckline of the meticulous shirt is slightly open,

On the top, there are still traces of fusheng covered.

Fu Sheng blushed instantly and looked away.

She took a deep breath and opened the car window, intending to slowly reduce the heat on her face.

It's quiet in the car,

Neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere was inexplicably warm.

Fu Sheng looked out the window, dazed for a while,

But soon, she suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Jiang Ji,

"That...Jiang Ji, we seem to have forgotten to tell them to leave."

She was so anxious to apologize and explain just now that she completely forgot about it.


Fu Sheng touched his pocket and was about to take out his phone.

Jiang Ji looked sideways at her slightly,

He took one of her hands and said calmly, "No need."

"They already know."

Fu Sheng: "...Huh?"

"You told them?"

Fu Sheng was surprised.

Jiang Ji drove the car slowly into the community.

A few minutes later, he parked the car, unbuckled his seat belt, and leaned over to hug her.

He breathed calmly and said slowly,

"From the moment you chased them out, they knew who you were."

"So, they won't come to you again."


Fu Sheng looked bewildered.

Jiang Ji looked at her and smiled,

The gentle and jade-like appearance is extremely beautiful.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and then handed it to her,

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and looked down.

The next second, she was stunned, seemingly unbelievable,

"You you you - why are you standing with Aunt Yun???"

Next to it seems to be...

his parents?

Fu Sheng slightly widened his eyes.

Jiang Ji lowered his eyes, pointed at the person in the photo, and introduced gently,

"This is my mother and father. This is Uncle Yun, this is Aunt Yun, and this... is my cousin, Yun Xiyuan."


She looked dazed.

This damn fate...

Is it too weird? !

"...So, you already knew my identity?"

The girl was very surprised.

Jiang Ji looked at her calmly, without refuting.

Fu Sheng: "..."

No wonder,

No wonder he suddenly appeared in the hospital,

After taking her away, he still looked in no hurry.


Fusheng suddenly felt angry and helpless,

"So I lied to you, you actually know?"

Jiang Ji was silent.

Fu Sheng looked at him, her cheeks bulging slightly.

for a while,

She sighed, "Yeah", she knew it.

"Anyway, I lied to you before, and that was my fault."

"So, I still have to apologize to you."

"But... you hide from me, you are also very bad."

Fu Sheng poked his cheek angrily and hummed.

"Then you have to promise me that you will not hide anything from me in the future."

Jiang Ji paused and looked at her quietly, as if he didn't expect that she was not angry.

Fu Sheng curled her lips and whispered,

"Anyway, what happened today is that I was wrong, which made you so angry."

"I don't want to affect the mood of the two of them because of this."


What Fusheng hasn't said yet is,

She feels guilty about him.

Because of his sometimes self-righteousness, it made him sad.

Although he is a big baby, he is easy to coax when he is angry,

But she still didn't want him to be sad again,

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