The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 890 Professor, teach me (31)



He can do anything,

Fu Sheng kissed the corner of his lips, smiled,

"Okay, this matter is over, okay?"

Looking at her with Jiang Ji's warm eyes, a smile slowly stained her,

He gave a soft "hmm\

,"this matter,

It's finally a turnaround.


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the next day,

Fu Sheng received a call from the housekeeper,

Between the lines, there is a bit of respect.


What Jiang Ji said is true,

Last night, anyone with a discerning eye could clearly see the relationship between the two of them.

Although I don't know how the future will develop,

But the Yun family still cared about Jiang Ji's face,

Don't let her donate blood.

Fu Sheng hung up the phone, slightly dazed,

Obviously a little uncomfortable with the easy completion of this task.

"...Tuanzi, do you know Dabai's identity?"

[emm... now I know, before... I didn't know. 】

[Relax, madam, the system will usually automatically match the most suitable host for you, and it is also the most suitable for the body that is close to the debris. 】

Duanzi: ( ̄y▽ ̄)~*


Fu Sheng was still thinking slowly.

No need to donate blood, half of the task is now completed.

the remaining half...

It is to repay the kindness of upbringing.

The Yun family has a big business and is not short of money.

But the only daughter, who has been in poor health since she was a child,

Although she cannot use magic to save people,


Can you give back in another way?

Fu Sheng began to recall the books he had read in the past.


Her eyes lit up, as if she had an idea.

no class in the afternoon,

With her schoolbag on her back, Fu Sheng went to the west market by car alone, wandering around.

When passing a jade shop,

She paused, stood at the door, and felt it carefully.


she walked in,

When you come out again,

She slowly threw a dark stone in her hand and looked up and down.

This kind of stone is generally not very eye-catching in the world, and it is useless to most people. It is just an ordinary stone.

But for some special people,

This stone is like a black hole, it will continuously suck away bad luck from people, and it is extremely spiritual.

Although Fu Sheng wasn't sure if this kind of stone would work for Miss Yun's family,

But it doesn't hurt to give it a try.



Four p.m,

Jiang Ji came out of the office.

He was wearing a black coat, with keys in his hand, and was about to walk to the parking lot.

when going downstairs,

Director Wang walked up,

Seeing Jiang Ji, he froze for a moment, then smiled,

"Xiao Jiang, where are you going?"

Jiang Ji lowered his head slightly, with a warm face,

"Director, it's getting late, I'm going home to cook."


Director Wang understands,

Then he thought of something, and kindly asked him,

"Are you still used to the class in the past two weeks?"

"Are the students all right?"

Jiang Ji's eyes fluttered slightly, and he smiled, without denying it,

"Well, they're fine."

The director nodded with satisfaction,

"I just said that this year's students are still very worry-free."

"However, there is a question that I have always wanted to ask you."

Hearing this, Jiang Ji raised his eyes, his eyes were clear and shallow, "Say it."

Director: "I persuaded you for two or three years before, but you didn't agree to lead the class. Why did you suddenly agree on the first day of school this year?"

He was really curious about the reason.

Jiang Ji paused, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

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