The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 891 Professor, teach me (32)


but soon,

He smiled flatly, shook his head, and denied,

"There's no particular reason, it's just the feeling of suddenly wanting to try teaching."

"Is that why?"

The director seemed a little disappointed, "Then do you plan to continue the class next time?"

"You can choose the content of the course."

It's rare for the director to be so generous.

It is true that Jiang Ji is too perfect, with a very high comprehension in the field of literature,

It would be a pity for such a talented person not to pass on his experience and knowledge.

Jiang Ji smiled and said politely,

"Director, we can talk about the future later."

"I can't guarantee whether I want to take students next semester."

The director nodded, expressing his understanding,

"That's fine, then I'll ask you at the end of this semester."

"Work hard, Xiao Jiang, you are very good!"

With warm eyes, Jiang Ji nodded slightly,

The director didn't say anything, patted him on the shoulder, and then went upstairs.

Jiang Ji's eyes calmed down,

Thinking of something, he slightly raised the corners of his lips, with a pleasant smile,

Why take a class?

probably because...

It was love at first sight.


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Fu Sheng went back to Yun's house.

She returned silently, without anyone noticing,

Carrying a schoolbag and holding a stone,

She easily entered Yun Xiyuan's room.

After quietly placing the stone in a hidden corner,

Fu Sheng took something to cover it up,

Only when it was confirmed that the stone would not be found, did he quickly dodge away,

Looking at all this, Tuanzi suddenly thought of something, looked down at the little green stone he had been holding,

Maybe the little green stone has been placed beside it for a long time,

There is a bit of white spiritual power in the bright green light,

lying in its arms,

The little green stone was quiet and motionless,

Only when you touch it lightly, it will light up slightly, as if responding to it.

Tuanzi was quiet for a while, looked around,

The fog-shrouded certain wine seems to be absent, and went on a daily patrol,

At this moment, it floats in front of the mirror in a ball, with nothing around it,

it looks like...

It seems to be able to ask some questions that it is afraid to ask on weekdays,

for example……

【Madam, can I ask you a little question? 】

Tuanzi asked childishly.

After leaving Yun's house, Fu Sheng wanted to rush home.

Hearing what it said, she kept walking and said "um\

,"Tuanzi hesitated and said,

【Madam, have you ever seen a green stone? 】

[It's the kind of stone that glows, has warmth, and looks very beautiful, like a gemstone. 】

Although Tuanzi sometimes looks silly,

But still know something,

The adults saw it holding this stone before,

It doesn't say anything, but it always feels like something's not quite right,

Plus Liushang didn't tell it anything,

It doesn't even know who to ask,

Now it seems,

It is most reliable to ask Madam.

At least,

Madame has little to hide from it.

The group felt aggrieved.

Fusheng paused, "...Green stone?"


"Can you be more specific?"

[more specific? 】

Tuanzi lowered his head and looked at the little green stone carefully.

[ will glow, and then...the texture is also very transparent, and the spiritual power on it is extremely abundant, and it is very comfortable to hold. I feel that my strength seems to have increased a bit when I hold it all the time. 】

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