The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 892 Professor, teach me (33)


【Then... sometimes it will automatically adjust the temperature, it will get warmer when I'm cold, and it will get colder when I'm hot. 】

" stone..."

It's not common...

Fu Sheng was thoughtful.

Generally speaking,

Green represents vitality.

Unless it is a spirit stone formed by the natural condensation of heaven and earth,


Only the original power of high-level spiritual things will have the appearance of green stones,

Both are extremely rare,

So very rare.

As for the group's question...

[emm... madam, this stone was given to me by Liu Shang. 】

Tuanzi added weakly.

"...Liu Shang?" Fu Sheng paused.

silence for a while,

She dragged out her voice slightly, and let out an "oh".

"Liu Shang is for you..."

She felt as if she knew something.

Fu Sheng blinked his eyes, smiled,

"Let me ask you, is there a flowing breath on the stone, and it is continuous?"

Tuanzi opened his eyes wide and nodded abruptly, 【Yeah! 】


Every time it hugs it, it feels like it is hugging a glass.

Although not disgusted, but...

It always feels a little weird and uncomfortable.

"Then, isn't the stone usually quiet, but when you speak, it lights up?"

【Um! ! ! 】

【Madam, do you know what this is? 】

The group was surprised and looking forward to it.


Fu Sheng thought about it.

Does she want to say...

Although I don't know why Liushang suddenly gave her most important thing to Tuanzi,

But since it is given,

It must have its own intentions.

She said, would it be a disservice...

【Madam, what do you say~】

【Tuantuan is so good with you, you can't hide it~】

Tuanzi is pitiful.

"..." Fu Sheng was silent for a moment, pondering,



In my mind, I only heard a respectful male voice suddenly sounded, with a bit of deliberate interruption.

"..." Fu Sheng paused.

chaos place,

The white mist that appeared at an unknown time enveloped the little soft ball, silently covering its ears.

through the mirror,

White Mist bowed down slightly, whispering softly,

"Madam, can you not tell it about this matter?"

Fu Sheng: "...the reason?"

Bai Wu was silent for a while, then said softly,

"I want to tell her when she grows up."

"If she knows what I'm thinking now, I'm afraid she will be at a loss."

he knows,

It's still young, and it only talks about understanding men and women,

In fact, the mind is still very immature.

He thought, when it grows up and slowly opens up,

Bringing it up again will make it less stressful.

White mist is usually silent, like a log,

This is the first time,

Willing to open up like this.

Because he thought, Madame would understand him.

"..." Fu Sheng never expected that he could hide so deeply.

she thought,

The two of them are just ordinary friends.

"...So, Tuanzi chose the female because of you?"

Fu Sheng felt as if everything made sense.

White mist was silent.

"...All right, I won't say anything."

Fu Sheng smiled, completely understanding.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to my words in the future."

"Thank you ma'am."

White mist said in a low voice.


The mist covering the pure white dumpling slowly dissipated, drifting away quietly.

Tuanzi looked at the mirror, then at him, feeling a little guilty for no reason,

"You're back from patrol? So fast."

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