The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 915 Hold me, please (7)

Chapter 915 Hold me, please (7)


[... Husband... madam, there is... bad news. 】

Duanzi's voice became a little nervous.


[This... this fragment is big... black... black. 】

"……What's the meaning?"

[Just... that is, do you still remember that in the ancient plane before, you changed your fate against the sky and traveled back through time and space to help the little fragment rewrite history? 】

Fu Sheng was startled, "I remember."

she was forced to leave,

Then her family Dabai drew a lot of portraits of her and has been waiting for her.

【That is... At that time, you were not there, and the shards went crazy, blackening the whole world... By the way, it also assimilated and blackened the adjacent plane. 】

【And the plane we are in now... is the world that has been assimilated and turned black...】

[Black fragments... means destruction...]

"..." Fu Sheng was dumbfounded.

"So, where is he now?"

[ your room, staring at you through the crack of the door. 】

The dumpling trembled.

【Husband... madam, he can't be a murderer, right? 】

"...Don't talk nonsense."

Fu Sheng stiffened all of a sudden.

her room?

How did he get in! ?

[Yes... By the way, he still holds a dagger in his hand. 】

Fu Sheng: "..."


The path of her baby is really wild.

think about it,

Fu Sheng coughed lightly, put down the cup, and stood up as if nothing had happened.

Now I don't know if he is going to kill her, so I can only pretend that I don't know, so as not to startle the snake.

After turning off the lights in the living room,

Fu Sheng went up to the second floor.

as expected,

Her bedroom door was slightly opened a thin crack, shaking slightly, and the inside was empty.

it seems...

He has hidden it.

【...Madam, he is under your bed now. 】


Fu Sheng showed no expression, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as the door was pushed open,

Fusheng paused and saw the gift box on the ground.

The gift box is packed in a pure white box with a pink bow on it, which is very beautiful.

The gift box was quietly placed on the carpet, right in the center, as if it was waiting for her.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and squatted down slowly.

She tentatively reached out and poked the box,

The box was silent and seemed to contain something.

Fu Sheng silently glanced at the bed.

She grabbed the bow tie on the gift box and slowly pulled it away,

The silky cloth was untied in an instant and scattered on the ground.

Fu Sheng cautiously opened a corner of the box.

When the eyes touch the things inside,

Her hands trembled, as if she had been electrocuted, and she retracted all of a sudden.

This, this, this...

[Ma'am, what's inside? 】

Tuanzi couldn't see it and was very curious.

Fu Sheng felt his scalp go numb.


It is a human hand.

It was washed very clean without any blood.

white and clean,

A bit like raw chicken feet soaked in formalin.

it looks like...

Appears to have just been chopped off.

Tuanzi:! ! !


It just said that the fragment was going to be horrible.

Fu Sheng stared at the gift box for a while, then, pretending to be calm, re-fastened the outer silk ribbon,

She tied it tightly, for fear that the hands inside would be exposed.

"Don't you like it?"

The man's calm and hoarse voice came faintly, with a bit of coldness and strangeness.


[System refresh...]

[Fragment recognition: -1%]

【Total approval rate: 19%】

Fu Sheng raised his head abruptly.

I only heard a sudden "click" in the room,

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