The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 916 Hold me, please (8)

Chapter 916 Hold me, please (8)


The lights, without warning, went out,

The whole villa was instantly plunged into darkness.

The cold breath came slowly, with a bit of darkness and weirdness.

Fu Sheng's chin was gently lifted by a cold hand,

The calluses between her fingertips caressed her warm face slowly,

The emotionless laughter seemed to come from the muffled chest, it was frighteningly cold.

Fu Sheng froze.

"This is me, a handshake gift for you..."

"You, don't you like it?"

The black shadow leaned over slowly, traced her eyebrows and eyes with fingertips without warmth,

The voice is as soft as whispers between lovers, and like the deep nostalgia of demons in hell,

It just makes people feel cold down the back.

Fu Sheng was silent, coughed lightly, and said insincerely, "I like it."


She paused for a moment, then stretched out her hand suddenly, took his cold hand, and said solemnly,

"I prefer shaking hands with you than"


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 34%】

The black figure stopped.

When Fu Sheng held his hand, it felt like he was holding a piece of ice.

It was cold and swishing, not like a normal person at all.

She held his big palm with both hands, rubbed it, and let out a breath of heat,

"Why are your hands so cold?"

She felt a little distressed.

Although it is summer now,

But it can't be so cold...


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 35%】

The black shadow stared at her fixedly, and a strange light flashed slightly in the treacherous blood-red eyes.

Obviously she was complaining,

But he heard her distress.

she seems to be...

Don't be afraid of him.

dark place,

His other hand holding the silver knife tightened tightly,

She is defenseless now.

As long as he stabs down,

She would have her heart pierced and never see the sun of tomorrow again.

The black shadow stood still.

The hand holding the silver knife was gradually lowered.

He sneered,

It seems a little ridiculous to feel the hot feeling in the heart,

The hand also pulled away from the girl's warm hand all of a sudden, the breath was cold,

"I'll give you ten minutes to escape."

"ten minutes later……"

The black shadow curled up his scarlet lips with great interest, feeling extremely excited about the blood that was about to spurt.

He stared at the girl in front of him with a treacherous smile,

seems to be thinking,

How interesting is the scene of her running away as a guinea pig.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 36%】

Fu Sheng was stunned.

Ten... ten minutes?


He wants to kill her?

Fu Sheng stood up.

【Madam, I have a good idea! 】

[You can run out first, and then use teleportation. 】

At that time, she can reach any corner of the world in a second,

Fragments are sure not to find her.

Tuanzi felt that he was really a little clever ghost.

"..." Fu Sheng looked at the man in front of him who was obviously a head taller than her, her fingertips shrunk.

"ten minutes?"

"You won't move for ten minutes, will you?"

The little girl looked at him calmly.

Hei Ying sneered, "You can stay still."


Did she think that he would not find her?


Naive and simple.

As soon as the voice fell,

Fu Sheng blinked, then suddenly stood on tiptoe, hugged his neck, and kissed him.

Because it's too dark,

At first she only kissed his chin,

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