The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 917 Hold me, please (9)

Chapter 917 Hold me, please (9)


but soon,

She found his lips and kissed them tenderly.

"..." Sombra froze.


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【Total approval rate: 45%】



Men's lips are cold, without warmth.

Lips are thin but soft.

Fusheng doesn't have too many skills, he just licks him like a kitten,

She draped his broad shoulders, tiptoed, and tried hard to kiss.

The warm and clean breath is as clear and bright as the morning sun.

The man's gaze became darker and darker, and the coquettish blood eyes contained more and more dangerous signals.


The second hand of the clock on the wall of the room keeps turning slowly,

ten minutes,

Soon, it will be here.

Fu Sheng let go of him suddenly, took a step back, his eyes were calm,

"Okay, you kill it!"

The man narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly.


Still vaguely have the touch when she kisses,

It's clean, with a hint of sweetness.

His heart was beating wildly, and his temperature was getting higher and higher, as if he had been hit by a Gu, and he began to sink.


The silver knife fell to the ground.

Fusheng's waist was tightly bound,

In the next second, the man's lips covered his lips, his breath was cold.


Fu Sheng took a step back uncontrollably.

The gift box on the ground was kicked aside by the man,

She was pressed against the wall by him and kissed fiercely,

Disorganized, with a bit of obsession.

this is the first time,

He feels the warmth of the living body,

Feel, the warmth of a living being.

The man's cold hand brushed across her neck, and then slowly moved down,

Touch it little by little.

His treacherous and dark eyes became more and more seductive, glowing with extreme excitement,

Fu Sheng wanted to hold his hand,

But in the next second, he was held back and couldn't move.

Fu Sheng: "...Fuck!"


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【Total approval: 50%】

"What a beautiful skeleton..."

The man's eyes became more and more hot and obsessed.

Muscle lines and textures are extremely soft and beautiful,

The skeleton is slender, and every part is extremely delicate,

He bent his scarlet lips, and suddenly, he covered the girl's neck and took a bite.

Like stamping, leaving his mark.

Fu Sheng let out a "hiss", shrunk his neck,

He really bites...

After the man bit it, he licked it soothingly,


He let go of her, turned around, and walked out the door of the room.

The moment the door closes,

The lights in the villa turned on instantly.

brightly lit,

Lights up everything.

Fusheng stood there, dazed for a moment,

On the neck, the place where the man bit him just now still hurts faintly, and his breath remains vaguely.

in the room,

The gift box that had been kicked aside quietly fell to the ground, and the bow tie fell down.

on the soft carpet,

A sharp silver knife was dropped casually, the cold texture, very much like that person.

Fu Sheng pursed her lips, lowered her head, and silently arranged her messy clothes.

【Ma'am, it's time to leave...】

Tuanzi was locked in a small dark room for a while,

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