The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 918 Hold me, please (10)

Chapter 918 Hold me, please (10)


When you come out again,

Things were moving so fast that it was a bit overwhelming.

Fu Sheng touched his neck, and gave a soft "hmm".

She knelt down and picked up the silver knife.

It is cold above, and the tip of the knife is extremely sharp,

Fu Sheng looked around,

Carefully put the knife away.

The man in her family is most likely the murderer.

So she had to hide the knife.

After everything is processed,

Fu Sheng stared at the gift box on the ground, silent.

This handshake is too tasteful,

She couldn't bear it.

"Tuanzi, I have a gift for you."

Tuanzi:! ?

【No, I don't want it. 】

Tuanzi refused Sanlian.

"...Then help me get rid of it."

a severed hand,

If it is not handled well, the police will be caught.

Fusheng began to have a headache about her identity as the big baby.

【...How to deal with it? 】

Tuanzi lowered his head and rummaged through his small pocket.

【Oh... I have corpse water. 】

[Okay, this matter is on me! 】

As soon as the voice fell,

The gift box on the ground disappeared.

Fusheng immediately picked up the broom and swept the floor.

After making sure that there are no traces left,

She breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground.

Tuanzi took out the corpse water, poured it carefully on the severed hand,


The severed hand seemed to be corroded, bit by bit, it began to smoke and melt.

at last,

The severed hand was wiped out.

Tuanzi put away the corpse water in satisfaction, clapped his hands, and said in a milky voice,

【Madame Madam, I've taken care of it~】

"Well, that's great!"

Fu Sheng praised it.

Dumplings: (ω)



Early the next morning,

Fusheng got up and took a shower.

After changing clothes,

She opened the door of the room and was about to go out.

In no mood,

Another gift box appeared at the door.

This time it was a pink gift box, tied with a ribbon, quietly placed on the ground, with a note on it.

Fusheng paused, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

What is it this time...

She looked around.

After squatting down, she hesitated for a moment, stretched out her hand, picked up the note,

On the note, there is only a simple sentence,

"Good morning, my girl."

The inscription is...

A smiling face.

Fusheng:! ! !

She felt as if she knew something extraordinary.

trembling hands,

Fu Sheng gently tore off the bow tie,

The satin then slipped off.

The lid of the gift box was carefully lifted off a corner,


The strong smell of blood hits the face, extremely fresh.

Fu Sheng withdrew his hand all of a sudden, his face froze slightly.


Does he dare to have a stronger taste? !

[Madam, what is it? 】


One, still beating faintly,

Bright red heart.

Seeing this thing early in the morning, Fu Sheng felt that he lost his appetite.

Tuanzi:! ! !


It just said that black fragments are scary.

Generally speaking, normal shards will not intentionally kill people,

But the blackened fragments...probably think about killing and...destruction every day.


[Trigger advanced hidden mission: Stop the fragments from continuing to kill! Stop the shards from continuing to kill! 】

The system sounded an alarm.

"...How can I stop it?"

She doesn't even know where he is now.

Fu Sheng felt very bald.

And look at him,

Obviously addicted to killing.


"Jingle Bell--"

"Jingle Bell--"

In the pocket, the phone rang suddenly.

Fu Sheng took it out to have a look...

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