The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 922 Hold me, please (14)

Chapter 922 Hold me, please (14)


"Where did this man come from?"

She crossed her arms and looked Mu Li up and down.

Mu Li raised his head slowly, under the black peaked cap,

A pair of dark and strange blood eyes stared at her coldly, as if thinking about how to kill someone.

Sister Wang suddenly felt a chill behind her back, subconsciously took a step back,

She was startled by his eyes, and inexplicably felt great danger.

Fu Sheng immediately took Mu Li's hand.

She stood in front of Mu Li and said softly to Sister Wang,

"Sister Wang, I really like him, can you help me hide it from the company?"

"I will work hard to cooperate in the future work."

Sister Wang frowned slightly, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the company has been planning to have an affair with you and Liang Zhu recently."

"You are the actress, and he is the representative of first-line acting actors. Gossip will help both of your careers."

"Unless...your boyfriend agrees to have an affair with Liang Zhu."

"..." Fu Sheng was silent.

How can it be?

Someone behind him is a powder keg that explodes at one point.

She is crazy to gossip with others.

"Sister Wang, I will personally tell the company about this matter. There is no need to talk about scandals. I disagree."

Fu Sheng's complexion was very pale.

"..." Sister Wang paused, and wanted to say something else,

But because he was concerned about the obviously dangerous man behind Fusheng,

She nodded wordlessly and didn't speak again.

The filming officially started.

Fu Sheng comforted Mu Li and pulled him aside.

Afraid that he would kill someone on the set,

Fu Sheng stuffed the phone to him, and said coquettishly in a low voice,

"Mu Li, when I'm filming later, can you help me take pictures?"

"I want to see it when I get home."

"..." Mu Li took the phone in silence.

His cold hand slowly touched her lips, his tone was strange,

"you are mine."

all those who want to take you away,

All be damned.

The man's beautiful phoenix eyes concealed a monstrous killing intent.

Fu Sheng nodded hurriedly,

"I'm yours, I won't run away."

"Don't overthink it, okay?"

She was really worried that he would kill someone.

Mu Li stared at her, and gave an "um" inexplicably.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay then, you help me take pictures, take more pictures."

Fusheng looked around and found that no one was paying attention to her,

She kissed the man, then acted coquettishly,

It wasn't until the director called her that she pressed his peaked cap, turned and ran away.

Scene One, Scene One,

The leading actor in the play with her is none other than Liang Zhu.

Liang Zhu is a newly promoted actor in the acting school. He looks very milky in appearance, but his words and deeds are extraordinarily serious, which is extremely contrasting with his cuteness.

It often makes fans scream wildly.

Before the filming started, Fu Sheng had a brief conversation with him,

But because I thought that I still have a big vinegar jar that could explode at any time,

She tried to maintain politeness and distance.


she didn't expect

Liang Zhu would suddenly blush.

Especially when playing against each other,

He blushed when he saw her, and he couldn't be serious at all.

Fu Sheng pretended not to see it at first,

But in the end, she endured it, and asked him with some displeasure,

"Why are you blushing?"

"Is there something on my face?"

Liang Zhu shook his head in a panic, looked at her,

"No, you... are beautiful."

"..." Fu Sheng paused.


She stepped back warily, keeping her distance.

"Since there is nothing, let's play it right!"

"As an actor, please be serious."

She reminded tactfully.

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