The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 923 Hold me, please (15)

Chapter 923 Hold me, please (15)


Liang Zhu smiled a little embarrassedly,

She blushed milkily and nodded.

somewhere in the corner,

The man in the peaked cap was holding a mobile phone, staring at Liang Zhu who was blushing towards Fusheng on the set, his pupils gradually became dark,

He slightly bent his scarlet lips, as if some kind of switch had been turned on, the strange and cold breath, like a ghost, wanted to destroy people.

Liang... Zhu...?

The man is smiling with a calm smile.


Scene One, Scene One,

The filming officially started.

The female police officer played by Fu Sheng is sitting in the file room,

He was lowering his head, looking for information, with a serious expression.

outside the door,

Liang Zhu was wearing a police uniform,

Turning around the key, Hang Erlang pushed the door open and walked in.

According to the plot,

He will tease Fusheng first,

Then the two of them inadvertently brought up the murder case ten years ago during their conversation.

Liang Zhu sat in front of Fusheng according to his position, leaning towards him, and was about to say his lines.

In no mood,

His stool broke suddenly,

Just listen to "click -" sound,

The stool fell directly to the ground.

Liang Zhu was caught off guard instantly and fell down.

Fu Sheng was startled and stood up.

"Are you OK?"


"what happened?"

The director ran over.

Liang Zhu seemed to be sitting on something, his face turned pale from the pain, and he was a little speechless.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

Fu Sheng frowned slightly, and amidst the commotion, looked at the man who was smiling strangely in the corner.

He seemed to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and took pictures slowly with his mobile phone.

Fu Sheng was silent for a moment.


He's a powder keg.


The ambulance came in a hurry,

Liang Zhu was sent to the ambulance.

The director stood on the set and yelled at the prop crew,

Something happened to this chair, obviously the props team didn't do their job well.

Now, the male lead can't be filmed,

The play was directly delayed.

Fu Sheng went back to the lounge to remove her makeup.

Mu Li followed her every step of the way, her scarlet lips were always bent, obviously in a good mood.

He holds the phone,

I've been taking pictures of her,

Seems obsessed with taking pictures of her.

Fu Sheng was silent the whole time.

remove makeup,

She suddenly pulled him into the dressing room.

The door slammed shut.

Xiaolin immediately closed the door of the lounge cleverly to prevent outsiders from entering.

in a narrow space,

The two were very close,

Fu Sheng puffed his cheeks, and tugged at his face, with a slightly fierce tone,

"Did you do the chair thing?"

"..." Mu Lifeng's eyes narrowed, the pleasant smile disappeared, and gradually became gloomy.

"Are you helping him?"

He spoke word by word, slowly, without losing the cold killing intent,

Fusheng's voice stopped,

"No, no, don't think about it."

She covered his mouth,

"I just... just..."

Her mind raced to words.

"I think... you broke the chair and it bleeds... scares me... scares me."

With a delicate and soft voice, she leaned on him obediently, smoothing his hair carefully,

"Mu Lili~ I'm afraid of blood...can we not see blood in the future?"

"..." The man's dark eyes dimmed,

He laughed emotionlessly, his voice hoarse,

"If there is no blood, then strangle to death?"


Let him suffocate and die in pain.

The man seemed to think of something and started to get excited.

Fusheng:! !

Depend on,

She forgot about this.

After a quick thought,

The little girl stomped her feet, hugged him, and said in a low voice,

"No matter, you can't go."

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