The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 924 Hold me, please (16)

Chapter 924 Hold me, please (16)


"Okay, you'll stay with me."

"You can't go at night, I want to hug and sleep together."

She couldn't let him go half a step even if she killed her.

Fusheng entangled him, treating herself like an octopus, almost hugging him with all four limbs.

"..." Mu Li lowered his eyes, staring at her thoughtfully.

He didn't speak any more, reached out and unbuttoned her.

After Fu Sheng changed her clothes,

I saw the man's sullen eyes staring at her all the time, with unknown emotions.

A cold hand rested on her shoulder, slowly rubbing it,

I don't know what I'm thinking.

out of the locker room,

Miss Wang is already waiting in her seat.

Seeing Fusheng and that man coming out of the locker room at the same time,

She frowned, but said nothing.

Just handed the tablet to Fu Sheng,

"Xiao Sheng, the police have received news that the murderer who killed Jiang Fangmei was the murderer of the previous dismemberment cases."

"Since Jiang Fangmei lost her heart this time, the police attach great importance to it and plan to investigate Jiang Fangmei. Therefore, we may have to accept another record in the next few days."

Fu Sheng nodded.

After Sister Wang explained the matter, she changed the subject and continued,

"Liang Zhu has already been sent to the hospital. The hospital just sent word that Liang Zhu's injury is a bit serious. The needle pierced the artery and he is still bleeding. So... he probably won't be able to shoot this movie. "

"The director is still negotiating, and there may be a change of actors."

Fu Sheng silently squeezed someone's palm.

bad man.

Mu Li kept his eyes on her,

feel the girl's actions,

He tilted his head slightly, and a dark color flashed in his coquettish phoenix eyes.

He didn't listen to what the woman next to him said,

Just hearing Liangzhu's name,

He smiled slowly, showing a smiling face.


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 59%】




Fu Sheng took Mu Li home.

along the way,

Sister Wang hesitated to speak,

She actually didn't agree with the two of them living together,

But Muli's eyes are too penetrating,

Being stared at by him, I felt a chill down my back.

It was like being stared at by a deadly poisonous snake.

In the end, Sister Wang still didn't dare to speak.

got out of the car,

Wearing a mask and hat, Fusheng lowered her head and led Mu Li to the villa.

After closing the door,

The nanny car outside slowly drove away.

Fusheng turned on the light, and took off his hat and mask casually.

Mu Li followed her closely, staring at her, as if he had been thinking about something.

Fu Sheng turned to look at him,

"Mu Lili, shall we sleep together?"

hold him to sleep,

He won't have the chance to go out and kill again.

Fu Sheng has been trying to divert his attention.

"sleep together?"

Mu Li paused, then slowly took off his peaked cap,

under the light,

His complexion grew paler,

Like a vampire who has not seen the sun for many years, it is so white that it is almost transparent,

The color of his eyes seemed to have changed naturally, red pupils, dark, with a bit of bloodthirsty evil spirit,

It seemed that he was born with the malice to destroy the world.

The lips are bright red, with a dark color, like fresh blood, thin and cold.

Fu Sheng reached out and touched his face.

"Well, we sleep together."

"Hold me, okay?"


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[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval: 60%】

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and slowly, he became happy.

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