The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 925 Hold me, please (17)

Chapter 925 Hold me, please (17)




after taking a shower,

Fu Sheng was lying on the bed, playing with her mobile phone.

She flipped through the photo album,

a certain man,

Although you don't say it,

But I have taken a lot of pictures of her in private,

I was shooting almost continuously, and I couldn't concentrate.

Fu Sheng turned over for a long time,

Every picture has her,

at last,

The finger that slid the photo album landed on one of them.

That is……

The one where Liang Zhu was injured.

in the photo album,

He took a picture of the blood on the ground.

Large, bright red blood, presented in this photo,

It is said that by looking at the photo album, you can know what the person taking the photo is thinking.

At that time he...

Are you trying to kill someone?

Fu Sheng's pupils shrank slightly.

blame her

Should have discovered that Liang Zhu was interested in her,

Hurry up to appease your big baby.

He is such a jealous person,

Seeing that other people are interested in her, it would be strange not to explode.

Fu Sheng sighed.

[Come on madam, try to keep an eye on Da Da. 】

The group feels inexplicably,

She's raising a dog,

A... a dog that could go mad at any moment.


Dogs listen to their owners very well.

Only the master can appease it.

Don't worry, don't worry.

As long as there is Madam, the fragments will not be able to destroy the world no matter what.



Fu Sheng put down the phone,

she now,

Can only come slowly.

It must be difficult for him to accept Mu Li not to kill people all of a sudden.

Simply boil the frog in warm water and accompany him every day,

Give him positive energy from society,

Best...recite a few words of socialist core values ​​before going to bed.

Fu Sheng looked towards the bathroom.


The bathroom door opened.

Mu Li walked out.

Since there was no change of clothes for him, Fu Sheng found him a bath towel.

His hair was a little wet, and it hung limply on both sides, extremely soft.

Her pale and weak complexion also became a little pink because of the hot water bath.

In the coquettish red-blooded phoenix eyes, the hostility and murderous intent brought by when she was angry dissipated, and she calmed down slightly.

On the contrary, the penetrating chill was a little less.

Fu Sheng stood on the bed, opened her arms, and hugged him.

His long hair fell over him,

Her light and sweet breath came, and there was also a hint of floral fragrance.

"Mu Lili, it's agreed, you will always hug me to sleep~"

She acted like a baby in a familiar way.

Mu Li was silent and just hugged her slowly.


He put her on the bed.

Fingers clasped tightly, breathing intertwined.

The light in the room was turned off instantly with a "click".

Fu Sheng blinked, but didn't move.

Mu Li was buried in her arms, very quiet.

The side face was pressed against her chest, eyes slightly closed, breathing lightly.

for a while,

His slightly hoarse voice sounded, with a bit of eerie calm,

"I gave you the heart, do you like it?"

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

She seemed to think of something, pursed her lips, and asked him softly,

"Mu Lili, why do you suddenly want to kill her?"

"Is it because of... me?"

Mu Li slightly bent his lips, and smiled strangely, "Isn't she treating you badly?"

all the people who treat her badly,

He can help her kill.

The man seems to be very satisfied with this treatment.

Fu Sheng was silent,

"Then Su Yingying...why did you kill her?"


The man sneered emotionlessly,

"Kill it casually, she doesn't like it."

"Originally... I wanted to come to you that night."

"'s raining."

when it rains,

He is very irritable...

Once irritable, it is easy to look at people.

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